Hi I use Z-WAVE JS UI to connect to my Z-Wave devices and until now
I don’t use MQTT discovery or WS Server. Instead I manually created MQTT entities for the devices to just have the the entities I really need showing up in home assistant.
Now I added a Fibaro roller shutter and want to create a corresponding MQTT Cover.
My Problem the MQTT Cover expects a Command Topic and Commands to be sent via this topic to control the shutter. Unfortunately the Fibaro Roller Shutter works in a different way. It expects different topics for specific commands.
How can I get it to work together. Any hints are greatly appreciated
I think I can answer my own question.
Thanks to @DavZero I got the hint to solve this. You need to define an MQTT Sensor to get the actual position and then define a cover template with the right MQTT commands to get the Cover entity to work as seen here:
The remaining problem is that there were quite some changes in home assistant and wave JS which needs some changes.
To get the MQTT Sensor you need to define a sensor within the mqtt platform as to the new rules for mqtt devices. Also the topic names have changed.