Fibaro sensors not sending temperature parameter

Hello everyone.
On my Raspberry Pi 4B i got docker and

Home Assistant: 2023.8.4

Several days ago two sensors Fibarto stops measuring temperature.
Door sensor FGK101 - firmware 2.5
Flood sensor FGFS101 - firmware 25.25

I run re-interview both sensors but it not help.
I also remove sensor FGFS101 from network and reset to factory mode. After that I add again but that not help.

Other parameter are receiving correctly (door opening status and flood status).

I also got door sensor FGK101 with firmware 3.2 and it’s read temperature correct.
Other sensors work’s correctly.

On sensor FGFS101 I change low and high temperature threshold level and sensor inform by correct led colour by to high or to low temperature.

Maybe try putting in a fresh battery in one of the sensors that is not reporting the temperature, wait a day or so, and see if that helps? A low battery can cause weird issues. Also with the FGK101, assuming it’s like mine, you need to use a separate DS18B20 temp sensor. If that’s the case, then check to make sure the wires are still connected. Keep in mind, again if it’s like mine (which is also running FW2.5), if the temp sensor was disconnected and then the FGK101 reset then when you reconnect the temp sensor to it the FGK101 needs to be factory reset and re-included before it will show the temp again.

I updated zwave-js-ui to bellow version and after that everything starts working correctly without any changes on hardware.

zwave-js: 11.14.0