Hi everyone,
i have a Fibaro Smart Implant with DHT22 sensor connected on OpenZwave Beta.
I set the parameters for the temperature and humidity report so that they update every 60s and every 0.1 ° C.
These values never update.
Can someone help me?
Thank you!
Home Assistant 0.112.3
System HassOS 4.11
Supervisor 228
OpenZWave beta 0.4.4
Dongle Z-wave: Aeotec Z-stick 5
Hi! I have the same issue. I have included the Smart Implant device and connected the DHT22 sensor. I also chaged 20 and 21 parameter to value 4 according to the manual but still no entity for the DHT22 temperatur and humidity shows up. Obviouesluy I have missed something but don’t know what.
Hi again! The issue was fixed just by making a re-interview of the Smart Plant device after parameters 20, 21 was set to 4 (Analog input without internal pull-up). After that I have both the temperature and humidity available through the entities.