Fibaro Wall Plug has 2 Power values

Started playing around with Z-Wave Fibaro Wall Plug (FGWPF-102), but I don’t understand all the sensor readings I get in HA:

  • Switch - obvious either it is on or off
  • Energy - total Energy consumed in kWh
  • Exporting - ?? seems to be False all the time, so what does it mean
  • Power - ??
  • Power - ??
    Why are there two power readings and why are the values not always the same?
    The zwave XML file in my homeassistant directory, says there is one for “COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL” and one for “COMMAND_CLASS_METER”, but that does not help.

By the way I have already hidden the alarm sensor readings below, which are related to some complex alarm setup you can create in the Zwave network:

  • Alarm Type
  • Alarm Level
  • SourceNodeId
  • PowerManagement

I have the same question @Scottie. Any luck finding an answer?

What I can deduce so far from the manual is the wall plug has two different power reports:

  • immediate power report
  • standard power report

The immediate will always be sent to the controller once its change threshold is breached (default 80%)

The standard typically has a lower threshold (15% default) but has a report frequency limit (default 5 per 30 seconds)

The ideal scenario would seem to be to combine both reports in a way where they update the same value.

May I ask why you want to use the power reading instead of the energy?

Where the energy is the accumulated value equivalent to total electricity consumed by the device, the power is the energy being consumed in a given moment in time. The power value can be used to deduce the current state of the attached device. For example a washing machine with a power value of > 1W would probably indicate it is currently in operation.

Back to the original question from Scottie, I found both power badges are given the same entity id, so once you start to customize your UI the fact there are 2 badges on the default view is probably inconsequential.

Of the two Power readings only one is actively updated (one with value index 4). The Wall plug will send new readings to HA. The other one will only show data if the readings are manually refreshed (or at restart of HA). When updated at the same time, the two power readings are equal. I guess I will just hide the second Power sensor, but still don’t understand why there are two.

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I believe the “Exporting” state relates to whether energy is being generated or consumed. If connected to a solar panel then you might see Exporting as True. Cant prove it but what the docs suggest.

hi all, i have the same question? any news ?

I’m wondering how to handle these two power sensors as well. They’re both assigned the same entity ID, so I’m not sure how these sensors are going to behave when they’re included in automations. I don’t think it’s possible to hide one of them without hiding the other either.

Old thread, but still relevant. Found this thread while searching.

I have a Fibaro Wall plug, model FGWP102, running Z-Wave JS UI.

This plug is named “Outlet A”.

I have two entities related to wattage:

  • sensor.outlet_a_electric_consumption_w (Electric Consumption [W])
  • sensor.outlet_a_power (Power)

For all purposes, sensor.outlet_a_power appears to be the one that is updated frequently, while sensor.outlet_a_electric_consumption_w only gets updated once in a while.

I know the simple solution would be to just disable/hide one of them, but as this appears to be some sort of fibaro related quirkiness it would also be great if we could fix it somehow.

I see the same with other Fibaro plugs as well, like model FGWPE/F-101