January 17, 2025, 7:54pm
My Configuration:
home assistant OS, Zwave JS UI, MQTT
a handful of Z-wave fibaro dimmers 2 implemented with pulse switches
I have the following issue:
when switching OFF my dimmers (fibaro dimmer 2) via the pulse wallswitches (by hand in the room itself) the light is not switch off in my HA interface.
It works correctly when:
I switch off / on a light via the HA interface OR via integrations / blueprints
a fibaro wall plug is also working correctly
turning ON the same dimmers via the pulse wallswitches
What can be the problem?
How can i resolve this issue?
I already tried to search and found these issues (same problem, however with different dimmer modules)
and then when i run the refresh of the multilevel ir updates in homekit to being off…
2022-11-13T11:16:30.142Z CNTRLR » [Node 005] requesting current switch state...
2022-11-13T11:16:30.158Z SERIAL » 0x010e00a901050226022500000000acf3 (16 bytes)
2022-11-13T11:16:30.161Z DRIVER » [Node 005] [REQ] [SendDataBridge]
│ source node id: 1
│ transmit options: 0x25
│ c…
I have a Qubino Flush Dimmer wired to a physical switch and a single light bulb, but I have some issues turning the light on and off in different scenarios.
Physical switching will always switch the light properly on and off
Physical switching DOES NOT update the state in home assistant
light.turn_on service from HA will always turn the bulb on, but does not update the state in HA
Switching the light from Lovelace will update the state in HA (both on and off works fine)
light.turn_off service …
(Stephen Mann (YAML-challenged))
January 17, 2025, 8:25pm
I can tell you why , but I have no clue how to fix it.
The switch is not sending its state to Home Assistant.
Go to Developer Tools → states and find your switch.
Manually turn the switch on.
If I am right, the state doesn’t change.
Normally new devices send updates just fine, if these are Zwave plus devices I would open an issue with ZwaveJS.
As a workaround you can enable state polling in ZwaveJS
Since I had issues with my zwave and the reason for that was me wanting to poll 8 equal devices to see the status in ZwaveJS after controlling the covers locally.
I had a node-red flow every 60 seconds doing a zwave_js.refresh_value for 8 cover devices helping me in getting the actual status in zwave. The devices are old devices. Replacing them for more recents models would mean 8*60 euro.
What would be the best way to have them reporting back status / polling them without stressing zwavejs to…
January 18, 2025, 1:02pm
this is indeed the situation