I have a Qubino Flush Dimmer wired to a physical switch and a single light bulb, but I have some issues turning the light on and off in different scenarios.
- Physical switching will always switch the light properly on and off
- Physical switching DOES NOT update the state in home assistant
- light.turn_on service from HA will always turn the bulb on, but does not update the state in HA
- Switching the light from Lovelace will update the state in HA (both on and off works fine)
- light.turn_off service does not work (since the state is not ON from either physical switch or service light.turn_on). Does work when light has been switched on via Lovelace since the state is updated.
I think this is very strange behavior and would like for it to work. I currently run HA 0.118.2 and the OZW beta integration. The z-wave controller is a Aeotec Z-stick gen5.
I have about 20 fibaro switches and dimmers all working like expected.