Figaro Wall Plug not updating state correct


i have 2 Figaro Wall Plug here with the same problem. They work perfect and if i switch them manually on or off it is been shown correct in Hass. But if i switch them from hass Gui or by script/automation whatever the state is not correct. When switch in hass Gui from off to on the device is changing. But hass is setting the state back to off. When clicking the switch in GUI again the state is ok. Same other direction, if wall plug is on and i switch it to off in Gui hass is setting it back to on. So i need two state changes to trigger before hass is showing the correct state. No idea why.

Anyone have an idea maybe, please? :slight_smile:

I experience the exact same issues, and I personally know others who also have the same problem. It seems this is a general issue. I am afraid I don’t really know how to go about troubleshooting it. Have you checked your logs?

Having a similar issue with Aeotec switches, my generic thermostat with them is somehow messed up (heat is on even though target temperature is reached), and when I click their states in the UI they switches them automatically back. No idea what is causing this.