Figuring out how Google Assistant SDK can work with Eufy Doorbell

I’m aware that there’s currently no support to automatically live stream video from Eufy doorbell to Google Nest Display when someone rings the doorbell. But, if I’m physically giving voice command to my Google Nest Hub: “Show my doorbell”, it can stream the video off my Eufy Doorbell.

Now I’ve installed Google Assistant SDK integration in Home Assistant. If I try to execute the same command this way

service: google_assistant_sdk.send_text_command
  media_player: media_player.living_room_display
  command: Stream my doorbell camera

I get this announce on my Google Nest Display:

Sorry, it looks like the Doorbell doesn't support streaming to remote screens.

Can someone help me understand what is this error about? Why is it treating it as a remote screen.

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I know this is old, but I was trying to do the same thing myself and came across this thread. This is how I achieved what I was going for:

When you use the google_assistant_sdk.send_text_command service, the media_player data attribute is just to decide where the response should be played. In this case, there is no verbal response needed, so you don’t need to include the field. You just need to include the device where you want the video to be displayed in the command. So what worked for me was:

service: google_assistant_sdk.send_text_command
  command: show the doorbell camera on kitchen display

Same issue here with Google Assistant sdk custom.
Anyone got this working?


I edited my post above yours to make it clear that it does work for me. Did you try the solution I suggested and it didn’t work?

Yes, I tried but it did not work for me.

Can you give a bit more detail? What type of response do you get?

When I leave the media player entity empty, nothing happens.
When I fill in my Google Nest hub screen it says
“Sorry, It looks like doorbell can’t stream to screens on distance”

When I tell the Nest hub myself to show the doorbell it works like a charm.

2024-07-08 20_45_03-Instellingen – Home Assistant