File and firmware storage proposal

There is a new tool coming out of the Docker container space called ORAS cli that allows you to treat files or “artifacts” as a docker container, meaning you can store anything in a container registry. There is no docker engine requirement.

As an example, I have a firmware file for my iot product, which i store in the home assistant registry that allows for OTA updates. Users of home assistant do not need to search for firmware updates.

If this can move forward as a standard, especially with Matter coming out,

  • devices can have a live/ mirrored/ airgapped registry available with home assistant that allows for holding any files needed.
  • this type of management would also lend itself as a one stop shop for developers of any platform
  • firmware artifacts are now centrally version controlled so you can easily rollback
  • a central standard for holding any type of file for the entire ecosystem.