File system corrupt


Yesterday my VM image of on my Unraid server got corrupted. Now it wont boot and it will only prompt te me the EFI shell when booting. Using “fs0:” in the shell results in nothing which leads me to believe the file system is corrupt…

Now I was able to recover some files from the image (especially Home Assistant icons and other images). I am just looking for a way to maybe extract a snapshot to use with a new installation. At this point im desperate as I probably lost months of work

If anyone has any idea how to fix this, I would love to hear how! Thanks in advance!

Try to get config folder. Nothing else needed. Can restore with that.

Backup regularly in future

See if there’s an intact snapshot in /backup.

I have used DDrescue to create an image. I have a quite recent backup of config so I honestly should just use that but I want to see the magic of data recovery.

I’ll post here if I succeed. Thanks for the tips!