I am running HA on bare metal with one NVME drive and another SSD drive. HA is installed on the NVME and I mounted the SSD as media/storage for my Plex library. A week or so ago I got stuck on the auto-boot screen and ended up making a Ubuntu USB boot. Once I was in Ubuntu, I was able to see the drives and deleted some files to free up space. Once I got back up, my system is reporting that its 94% full. I went into the CLI and ran fdisk and can verifty that as well. I just don’t know whats there or if I somehow have some of my media on both drives. Is it possible that HA just isnt good at managing/knowing the actual drives and what they have? I have gone through my files as best I can in the HA environment to see whats taking up all the space. The only thing else I can think to do is to boot on Ubuntu again and see what is filing up the drives. Is there a better way to manage files within HAOS?
So i booted up in Ubuntu, and the drives/partitions aren’t even close to full. Is there a way to “force” HAOS to re-evaluate them?
It appears you are runnin HA Supervised in Ubuntu with Plex also installed? HAOS does not use another OS such as Ubuntu,
If that is your configuration, it is unsupported by the devs, They only support HA Supervised on Debian (not Ubuntu) with no other services such as Plex installed.
There are others running different configurations but they have the responsibility for solving issue such as this.
Are you seeing something that would indicate that? I am running HAOS 7.6. I used an Ubuntu USB boot to look at the file structure on the drives, I did not install HA supervised.
If you hold your mouse over the “red bar” you’ll see what it “thinks” i.e. 94GB/100GB or what i thinks is it’s “environment”
Edit: Thou 94% full shouldn’t be a reasonable cause for not booting
Edit2: PS, my HA reports too little, but as the “indicator” says is that, the OS( Host ) uses X% of Total, so i think, so how yours shows as it does is a mystery to me, unless you dedicated a very small Partition/Disk for your HAOS.
You mentioned Plex and I know that does not run on HAOS. I misunderstood/
Apologies for my confusion.