Filter Exposed Switches/Lights to Google Assistant?

I’m currently using the Home Assistant Cloud service and have been using it to sync my Home Assistant things to my Google Assistant.

It works great and can control them from my phone’s Google Home app.

Because I’m using the “cloud:” in the configuration.yaml file instead of “google_assistant:”, can I not filter what is being exposed to my Google Assistant account?

Found what I was looking for here:

Ended up doing the following in my configuration.yaml file for a test:

# Cloud
        - switch.foyer_lamp

After restarting the HA service on my server and requesting “sync devices” from my google assistant, only the foyer lamp switch synced.

All I needed. Going to whitelist all switches/lights so my Google Assistant doesn’t see the default groups (i.e. all switches, all automations, all lights, etc…)

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