Filter integration help

I am trying out the filter integration and have this yaml code in the config.yaml file:


  • platform: filter
    name: “power filter1”
    entity_id: sensor.plugem3_lifepo4_charger_power
    • filter: time_simple_moving_average
      window_size: “00:05”
      precision: 2

I can’t find the output. I looked in the helper list and it’s not there. It should be listed as “power filter1”. Where is the output? Is this “filter integration” working? Is there something wrong with my code?

Ok, I figured out the problem. Apparently, the restart “quick reload” doesn’t work. I have to fully restart Home assistant. Then HA sees the sensor.

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It still has the same problem with not updating the average if it doesn’t get data from the sensor. If anyone knows how to fix this please post. Thank you.