Filter out 2nd copy of entities

Just added Home Assistant the mix of a Wink2 hub, Ecobee thermostats, and assorted lights. Previously the Ecobee was added to the Wink hub so I could manage it from a single interface.

With the HA install I added the Wink and it was good, but the Ecobee sensors didn’t show up. So I enabled Ecobee login from HA and everything else was exposed. Now I have a 2nd copy of entities associated with the Ecobee. For example, I have sensor.office_temperature and sensor.office_temperature_2. I can add the first copy to a group, however _2 is left up in the top as a sensor.

Is there anyway to filter out the extra entities in the web interface, or should I just remove Ecobee from the Wink configuration?


Clicking configuration then customization from the sidebar will allow you to choose the entity then at the bottom you can choose hidden and “Hide from UI”. I had to do this twice on a couple items to get it it take… some it worked the first time

Perfect! That was it. I was on the right page but didn’t Select “Pick an attribute to override”


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