Finally a beautiful dark theme for Node-RED

Any errors in the logs?

Not seeing anything in the way of errors or warnings in the logs of node red that look to be related. only a GPIO warn for raspberry pi specific node set.

What platform is it running on?

What do you see when you access https://<your-home-assistant-ip-or-url>:1880/theme ?

Running on a Rpi 4. This is what I get


Dark Mode is also set to “true” in the configuration portion of the add-on.

There’s your issue. The dark_mode config option was removed and replaced by the theme option. With this new option, you can choose which theme to use.

You can read more about it here.

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Excellent! Thank you so much @mbonani I’m back to the dark theme.

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I spent a hour to find where to config as mentioned above. Your comment save my life! Thank you.