Finally I got it. The cover of the Xbox games currently playing on the Dashboard

Well, after a lot of sweat, frustration, work and learning a lot along the way, I finally have the cover of the Xbox game I am currently playing on my Dashboard. It has been complicated for me since I have been using Home Assistant for a few months but I finally have a first working version. I still want to improve it but I feel satisfied with the work done.

All it’s done with a few sensors, some api calls, an automation and a custom button card. Maybe I will do a step by step in the future with the final version.


This is great! I’ve been struggling with getting the current game and mapping it to a cover, any chance you could share the details on what your card is doing?

Hi, is a little hard to explain mostly because are a lot of step but basically I used the current Xbox live integration sensors (one is disable by default). One of them show that if you are in a game and the other the name of the game. I take the name and search with the API of With the api I get the id of the game and them with the id and the same api I get the cover and console. All of this with a bunch of sensors and an automation. The card are two custom button cards. I’m trying to improve it every day


This looks really good, any plans on releasing the code for us to replicate?

Great job! :smiley:

The Xbox was the only one of the current three major consoles without a way to get the cover of the current game into HA. I’m trying to replicate what you did, and I managed to get it working, but I’ve found that some of the names reported by the Xbox integration don’t match directly with those in the MobyGames API.

For example, “Burnout™ Paradise Remastered” as reported by the Xbox integration, isn’t found through the MobyGames API. However, if I search for “Burnout: Paradise - Remastered” I can find the game. A similar issue occurred with “Red Dead Redemption 2” which is listed as “Red Dead Redemption II” on MobyGames.

So far, I’ve been getting around this by adding text replacements as I encounter these odd cases. I was wondering if you faced the same issue and if you approached it differently.