Finally upgraded home assistant. now everything is broken

It seems like every time I was upgrading, there were breaking changes that I had to work on, sometimes for days. I finally made the decision to stick with 112.4 since the added benefits weren’t worth the hassle of the upgrade. I have 2 other friends in the same boat. I’ll be left in the past with my classic build unless there is some security issue.

Docker is still supported, it’s now called Home Assistant Container. See HERE for an excellent post describing the current installation methods.

If you want the Supervisor, you have a few options. I can’t see what sort of machine you are using, perhaps I’ve missed it, so 2 options posted;

If you have a Raspberry Pi, you can use the official docs HERE and install Home Assistant OS, or you can run Home Assistant Supervised by following this guide.

If you are using a PC, Laptop, NUC, one option is to run Home Assistant OS as a virtual machine using Proxmox , or run Home Assistant Supervised using Debian 10.

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well I’m using a Ubuntu 20.04 lts

server that I have running anyway. I used to run a docker container with Home assistant on it but that broke so now I tried to reinstall rather than spend time on fixing the upgraded mess.

problem is that would give me a Home assistant core only no supervisor.
so now I’m on with your other suggestion to install an actual virtual machine on it… liked the low footprint of docker but I guess this is what I got.

yea I’m beginning to feel the same way. :frowning: but was already stuck on a very old version when I decided to upgrade as I was thinking it would be a good idea to fix my other issues. Guess what I just got tripled up on issues.