Find bluetooth speaker

Im interested in this too! Since i’m using Hassio there is no way to sudo install pulseaudio like the other post said

I’m also interested in this. I too have Hassio.

I am also waiting a solution for this

This would be really useful. Have the bluetooth set up and discovery as well but it only lists the bluetooth speaker as a gps and there’s no way to control it.

Maybe someone would be able to submit a feature request for, for Bluetooth audio. I would surely love to have this feature as well


If you have an Android device available, you can get the voice by using notifications and notification reader. I use push bullet for notifications and out loud for reading those notifications.

Any news for Hassio users?

This would be a awesome addon for announcements! I want Morgan Freeman to welcome me home when i open the door lol

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Could this be accomplished using a speaker connected from a Aux cable plugged in directly to the pi?

Yes. You can use the mopidy plugin for hassio for that

Thank You so much!!! I can’t wait to try it!

Can anybody give me a idea of how to install mopidy on Hassio? Im a total noob and cant find information on it.


Hi new to this myself Corey but hopefully I can help. Click on tab & select Add on store & click on add new repository and add this link & you will see the new add on’s on the list.

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Thanks so much I couldn’t figure out how to get the add-on store into my UI

So I managed to get it loaded but can’t get it to run.

I added this json file

“name”: “Mopidy”,
“version”: “0.2.3”,
“slug”: “mopidy”,
“description”: “mopidy music server”,
“url”: “”,
“startup”: “application”,
“boot”: “auto”,
“image”: “bestlibre/{arch}-mopidy”,
“options”: {“local_scan”: true,
“options”: []},
“schema”: {
“local_scan”: “bool?”,
“options”: [{“name”: “str”, “value”: “str”}]
“devices”: ["/dev/snd:/dev/snd:rwm"],
“ports”: {“6680/tcp”: 6680, “6600/tcp”: 6600},
“map”: [“share”],
“webui”: “http://[HOST]:[PORT:6680]”,
“host_ipc”: true

But when I hit save the run it switches back to the original json. I’m not sure why.

I figured it out, I used this instead

“local_scan”: true,
“options”: [
“name”: “local/media_dir”,
“value”: “/share/mopidy/media”
“name”: “m3u/playlists_dir”,
“value”: “/share/mopidy/playlists/”
“name”: “gmusic/username”,
“value”: “MYUSER”
“name”: “gmusic/password”,
“value”: “MYPASSWORD”

Thanks so much buddy! Now it just figuring out how to configure it!

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Hello have you figure out to make it work ? if yes can you give us some advices ?

no unfortunately not, I did get the mopidy add-on to load. And I can get sounds to play to my speaker that is connected to my pi via AUX. But that’s about it. I cant figure out how to automate sounds when devices trigger. I’ll be sure to let you know if/when I figure it out!

Another one trying to connect a Bluetooth speaker!

Another person who would love to be able to connect a bluetooth speaker to HA so I can use it for TTY and Spotify. Going to try to go the aux route, but that’s far less favorable.

Apologies for the necropost, but I’m still looking for how to use a bluetooth speaker as an external speaker/microphone, too…

It looks like there may be a chance of some development over here.