I have a whole home energy monitor and a bunch of monitoring plugs. I also have a few things I can’t easily monitor. My dryer is 220 and those monitors are expensive. My HVAC furnaces is electric and seems to be an energy hog. I decided to add a Watt sensor when it is on and a kWh sensor so that it can show on the energy monitor:
- platform: integration
name: "Dryer [kWh]"
source: sensor.dryer_w
unit_prefix: k
method: left
- sensor:
- name: "Dryer [W]"
unique_id: dryer_w
unit_of_measurement: "W"
device_class: power
state_class: measurement
last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
state: >-
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.dryer_accelerometer', 'on') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
The question is “where did I get 1950 from?”
To do this, I have to know how much electricity it used. I used the following tools and devices:
- Whole home energy monitor: sensor.home_energy_meter_electric_consumption_w
- Dryer Accelerometer: binary_sensor.dryer_accelerometer
- Mariadb add-on
- phpMyAdmin add-on
I used SQL to determine the time ranges of when the device is on, the average watts from the energy meter while it is on, the average watts from the energy meter 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after.
Here is the SQL statement:
Round(a.avg_watts - a.watts_before_after) used_watts
FROM (SELECT old_states.created "start",
states.created "end",
Timestampdiff(minute, old_states.created, states.created) "minutes",
(SELECT Round(Avg(sw.state))
FROM states sw
WHERE sw.entity_id = "sensor.home_energy_meter_electric_consumption_w"
AND sw.created > old_states.created
AND sw.created < states.created) avg_watts,
(SELECT Round(Avg(sw2.state))
FROM states sw2
WHERE sw2.entity_id = "sensor.home_energy_meter_electric_consumption_w"
AND ( ( sw2.created > states.created
AND sw2.created < Timestampadd(minute, 30, states.created) )
OR ( sw2.created > Timestampadd(minute, -30, old_states.created)
AND sw2.created < old_states.created ) )) watts_before_after
FROM states states,
states old_states
WHERE states.entity_id = "binary_sensor.dryer_accelerometer"
AND states.old_state_id = old_states.state_id
AND old_states.state = "on"
AND states.state = "off"
AND states.created > "2022-03-22"
AND Timestampdiff(minute, old_states.created, states.created) > 1) a;
This found the average watts used while the dryer’s accelerometer is moving and the average of the watts reported 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after. I limited it to states created after March 22 so you may need to change this. The results look like this:
If you just want an average, change the first select to:
Round(a.avg_watts - a.watts_before_after)) used_watts
FROM (SELECT old_states.created ...
I know this is a niche task but hopefully it is helpful to someone!