Fine tuning home not_home by device condition

Hi all,

I started this topic: Presence detection monitoring pause after device is away

It explains a device entity with two trackers is ping ponging between home and not_home because the router-based tracker thinks the device is home and the gps based trackes sets it to not_home. This is all because the router (Unifi Device Tracker) keeps the device several minutes in the list of known devices thinking it is still at home.

There is an option in the Unifi Device Tracker that tells the Signal strength. When this is ‘0’ the device should also be at state not_home.

Is it possible to fine tune a known device entity to tell it is not_home on one of the conditions:

  • ‘not_home’ when it is not in the known devices list of the unifi
  • ‘not_home’ when the signal strength is ‘0’

Little help please

I think the only way to do that is to use the device tracker entity attribute to create a template sensor and use that in the automations.