Fingerbot - Kickstarter for project to turn traditional switches into smart switches

This looks like an interesting take on home automation, Fingerbot turns traditional devices and switches into smart and controllable devices.

Not integrated in HA yet right?

Not looked for anything other than searching in the community here, I’ve not got one (or even backed yet) to know if they have an API or what kind of local network support the devices will have. They use BT LE to communicate (although Zigbee is a stretch goal).

RPI3B+ and above have built-in Bluetooth so I guess it should be possible to command it from HA even now. I wish I had the skills to do it but I don’t. :frowning:

YES ! it was announced that fingerbot is open to the API, question is can i get an ESP to act as the hub instead of buying a tuya bridge

Watching this thread! Just started using the fingerbot to fire up laser cutter.

Please be careful with automating such devices :slightly_smiling_face:

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hoping for zigbee support as i rely more on local area networks rather than cloud solutions

Is it possible to use fingerbot with Home Assistant that has a Bluetooth adapter?

There is a solution, finally!

Controlling Tuya Fingerbot over Bluetooth BLE (locally, no cloud, no bluetooth gateway)

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