Fingerprint authentication via MQTT

That’s an interesting and different approach, cool! :slight_smile:

I went a slightly different way, hopefully will have a video out soon!

Good morning, my friends
Can someone help me?
i am linking esp8266 with R503
The pins are as follows:
D5-kepup (T-ous)

Hello all, I created a video guide with updated fingerprint name database for anyone who wants to check it out:


Great video and great work.
I did make my own enclosure some time ago still need to implement in real life but it has a display fingerprint en rfi scanner as alarm pannel.

Thank you! Oh awesome that looks really cool! Love it! :grin:

Hey, firstly thanks so much for the support! :blush:

I assume you got it? You need to add a few lines too the Adafruit library

Thank you very much for this straightforward tutorial. I got it working in the first try. But I have the followint questions:

  1. I started with “fingerprint-mqtt.ino”. I noticed that once in a while, it reports a “Not matched” state, as it was reading a finger. I have no idea why this is happening and how to avoid it.
  2. The LED is pretty strong and annoying, so gave a go to other code “fingerprint-mqtt-led-touch.ino”. I included the modded code into the library files, soldered T-Out to D3 and T-3v3 to +3v3. Compiled and updated with no errors.
    But now, after a few seconds, the led turns off and it doesn’t turn on when I touch a finger. Also checked topic “/fingerprint/enabled”, wich is ok (“on”). I am using a FPM10A module but slightly different one (as the picture)image
    Incompatibility? I don’t believe it , but maybe someone can help.
  3. Also, @madmicio introduced a very interesting capacitive fingerprint sensor (R502/R503). Is it interchangeable with FPM10A? It seems to be more friendly.

Thanks everyone.


You can try deleting and re-learning the print to see if you can get a better match, mine does this but maybe 1 print in 40 it misses, no fingerprint sensor will ever be 100% accurate but you should be able to improve it at least!

I’m not sure on the LED one, I do know it works though as quite a few people on our discord server use it without issue I think, but unfortunately I’ve never used the LED function myself.

That sensor should now be compatible yes!

Sorry for not being clear enough. When I said “Not matched”, I mean that no finger was touching at all. It happens all alone.

Oh! That’s weird. No I don’t get that at all, never seen it before :thinking:

I had a time to investigate a little further.

  1. I deleted all saved fingerprints.
  2. Flashed with “fingerprint"mqtt-led-touch”
  3. Soldered T-Out to D3 and T-3v3 to ro +3v3

Led turns out after a few seconds. Selecting to Learn a finger, mode and state do not change and the LED stays off. What kind of sensor does it have for the finger?
I certified that topic: “/fingerprint/enabled” is “on”.
IF someone have some idea what is wrong…

I’ll ask one of the users on Discord and see if they have the issue

Please ask them if they use the same as the picture above. I don’t think that it should be different, but you used a variant with terminals at the side, right. Who knows… Thanks.

Try the ‘fingerprint-mqtt-led-touch-oled.ino’ … while you don’t have an OLED connected, it should still work. This sketch has the finger present loop in a different configuration, so if this one works or doesn’t it will point to something in the ‘fingerprint-mqtt-led-touch.ino’ sketch not letting you out of the loop, or some type of hardware issue.

Check the readme quickly though as the mqtt message structure is different for this… but for just a quick test you can just verify it’s activating when you place your finger down, and then you can see the output with MQTT Explorer.

Oh also I use the same style as you posted above… connector at the back.

Thanks Lucky!

First of all, thanks for helping.
Following instructions, I tryed ‘fingerprint-mqtt-led-touch-oled.ino’ .
Installed libraries and made no changes to the hardware.
Now, the Green LED do not turns off anymore.
And I could not identify any status in MQTT (only the old one related to ‘fingerprint-mqtt-led.ino’ , which shows as “available = offline”, off course.
The structure of MQTT topics in ‘fingerprint-mqtt-led-touch-oled.ino’ is different, and I could not identify it in MQTT Explorer.
I could not request the learn function, since the structure is different, but I believe that you were expecting a change in MQTT when a finger was placed on the glass. And this was not the case…
Some idea?

Just to verify - did you go through the sketch and ensure the pins are set correctly?

Not just the variables at the top, but also explicitly set the pin in the setup() routine.

Forgot to ask before… when you were running the other sketch… what where you seeing in the serial monitor output? Did you see a successful connection to both WiFi and the MQTT broker?

This latest sketch for the OLED doesn’t output to serial monitor, so if you didn’t check on the other sketch, reflash and verify you get a good connection on wifi and mqtt.

I believe pins are all right, since “fingerprint-mqtt.ino” works as expected (only returning some “Not matched” once in a while).
When using “fingerprint-mqtt-led.ino” , I can successfully turn LED on and off by MQTT.
The real problem appears when trying to use “fingerprint-mqtt-led-touch.ino”.

Ah please check… the OLED sketch was heavily modified by me, and I used different pins on the ESP.

Got you. I’ve seen a few revisions of the code… it could be that the ‘fingerprint-mqtt-led-touch.ino’ has a bug somewhere… I never ran tried that version out.

It’s definitely worth checking the serial monitor output on the ‘fingerprint-mqtt-led-touch.ino’ sketch to see if it makes it past the setup().