I use a Fire TV Cube connected to an Onkyo AVR and a Samsung TV via HDMI. The IR Blaster from the Fire TV works great without HA, so when I turn it on with Alexa (voice command, start Netflix/Spotify/Fire TV) or with the remote, my AVR and TV also turn on (and turn off if needed).
I’ve also added the Fire TV Cube with the ADB AndroidTV integration, with which I can basically operate everything (eg select inputs, volume, on/off) but the AVR won’t turn on (TV does). So the startup behaviour is different to the Alexa command.
Is there a command or something i can send via ADB to turn on also the AVR?
Also workarounds might be helpful if somebody already managed this or a similar setup.
If your TV and Onkyo support HDMI CEC, you can configure so that the TV will turn on the Onkyo. IIRC, you have to use a specific HDMI port on the Onkyo (HDMI-ARC) for that to work, but I suppose that’s already how you pass sound from the TV to the AVR?
HDMI CEC was already on.
I’ve now tested various settings on the Onkyo 609 and Samsung TV with the results:
Alexa Command or Fire TV Remote turns all devices via IR on.
HA just turn the Fire TV Cube on. With HDMI CEC enabled, the signal from the fire cube also turns the TV on, but the AVR is just going to HDMI Through. Sound come out of the TV speakers.
If i disconnect the HDMI Cable from the TV, the AVR turn on (not just HDMI Through) when Fire TV Cube is starting.
If i Disable HDMI CEC on the TV, to prevent that it will turn on, the AVR get’s on, but no sound from the speakers. The AVR does not recognize the HDMI Signal unless i manually turn on the TV (once the TV is on, i can turn it off without losing the sound).
If i turn on the TV manually, the receiver will also turned on completly.
I don’t really understand the behavoir of the AVR. But due to this facts, the solution is that all devices need to be on at at kleast once for the same time. The TV seems not to be the problem, but I need a solution for the AVR.
Unfortunately i can’t wake it up except IR or HDMI, but I don’t know how to do.