Fire TV exclude application in auomation

im pretty new to Home Assistant and trying out a few things.
I use a Fire Stick and a smart controlled light to automatically turn the ligths off while watching via the AndroidTV integration. Basically is read out the “idle” or “playing” state to switch the Lights.
The problem now is, that the light even turn off while in the main menu of the TV Stick. Is there a way that i can exclude the launcher from the list or sth like that?

Expected behavior: Light only turns off when watching movie
Currerent behavior: Turns off in Fire TV start menu
Solution?: Maybe exclude aplication in automation or detection rules but how?

Every bit of help is appreciated! :slight_smile:

You should be able to trigger based on the source attribute changing. Put your Fire Stick entity into the Developer Tools - States field and see what it’s reporting for the source on those different menus. I think your automation would be something like this:

  - platform: state
      - media_player.fire_tv_stick
    attribute: source
    to: Amazon Video
  - condition: state
    entity_id: media_player.fire_tv_stick
    state: playing

Edit: Don’t think that would work as it can’t be ‘playing’ until after the source was switched. So maybe look at switching that to trigger on the state changing to playing with the condition being the appropriate source.

I will try when I get the time at the weekend, but already looks promising.