@Love-to-Soccer & @avpezoulas - did you ever solve your issues?
I am wondering because I am struggling with the same issue since a few days.
Running HA on Proxmox on an Intel NUC host. My Fire HD 10’ is connected via a Unifi network, wirelessly with direct access to the Unifi UDM. The strange thing is that the tablet was up and running since Jan '23, so since ~20 months.
And now, a couple of days ago, it started the bevaviour decribed in your posts.
Would be fantastic if you have solved the issue and could provide details on that.
If not, here is my config. Maybe we can solve this together…
"installation_type": "Home Assistant OS",
"version": "2024.9.3",
"dev": false,
"hassio": true,
"virtualenv": false,
"python_version": "3.12.4",
"docker": true,
"arch": "x86_64",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"os_name": "Linux",
"os_version": "6.6.46-haos",
"supervisor": "2024.09.1",
"host_os": "Home Assistant OS 13.1",
"docker_version": "26.1.4",
"chassis": "vm",
"run_as_root": true
"integration_manifest": {
"domain": "fully_kiosk",
"name": "Fully Kiosk Browser",
"after_dependencies": [
"data": {
"deviceName": "Fire Tablet",
"packageName": "de.ozerov.fully",
"altitude": 0,
"locationProvide": "network",
"batteryLevel": 100,
"isPlugged": true,
"Mac": "**REDACTED**",
"ip4": "**REDACTED**",
"ip6": "**REDACTED**",
"hostname4": "**REDACTED**",
"hostname6": "**REDACTED**",
"wifiSignalLevel": 8,
"isMobileDataEnabled": false,
"screenOrientation": 90,
"screenBrightness": 86,
"screenLocked": true,
"screenOn": false,
"batteryTemperature": 23,
"plugged": true,
"keyguardLocked": true,
"locale": "de_DE",
"serial": "**REDACTED**",
"build": "PS7330.4104N",
"androidVersion": "9",
"webviewUA": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; KFTRWI Build/PS7330.4104N; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/126.0.6478.186 Safari/537.36",
"motionDetectorStatus": 0,
"isDeviceAdmin": true,
"isDeviceOwner": false,
"internalStorageFreeSpace": 20816535552,
"internalStorageTotalSpace": 25780625408,
"ramUsedMemory": 2181402624,
"ramFreeMemory": 750747648,
"ramTotalMemory": 2932150272,
"appUsedMemory": 5053152,
"appFreeMemory": 129164576,
"appTotalMemory": 134217728,
"timestamp": 1727765256061,
"scopedStorage": false,
"displayHeightPixels": 1200,
"displayWidthPixels": 1920,