FireTablets often lose connection to HA/FullyKiosk


I have a Fire tablet in each room running HA via FullyKiosk. In total there are 1x FireTablet 10" & 4x FireTablet 8".

However, on the smaller FireTablets I have the problem that after a short time I always get “disconnected. will reconnect…” displayed" . (see attachment)

The only remedy is to restart the entire tablet and reopen FullyKiosk. If I only close FullyKiosk and restart it, HA gets stuck in the start screen.

I then tried to set up a separate WLAN for the tablets, which only runs on 2.4GHz.
The whole thing went well for 1-2 days.
Today I get up and the small tablets all show the start screen of HA again.

I have to restart the whole tablet or I won’t get anywhere. Closing the kiosk app and restarting is not enough unfortunately…

I’m a bit stumped as to what the problem is.
Especially since I don’t have the problem with the larger 10" tablet.

Because all the devices of a class are behaving the same and a device running similar software but different hardware acts different id start there. What kind of network gear are you using?

One of my tablets refused to let go of a flapping access point because the AP broadcast strength was at max (Thanks UniFi default) once I dropped it to medium it started roaming properly. Could it be something like that? I’m leaning that way because of the changes(?) in behavior on the 2.4Ghz network


I have the following network equipment:
2x Aruba 1930
3x Aruba AP22

I took a look at the FullyKiosk logs of the devices.
I don’t see a single error on the large tablet.

On the smaller ones, I keep seeing the following:
WARNING The app was killed or crashed, will try to restart…
ERROR The WebView rendering process crashed! Restarting app…
ERROR Unresponsive WebView rendering process was killed! Restarting app…
WARNING Restart app after Uncaught Crash, ver. 1.53.1 (101211)

But also strange… the Error-/ and Warning-logs are not on all small tablets where the problems occur. So I think it has less to do with my problem.

No one has an idea? :frowning:


Still have the problem

Unfortunately, I still have not found a solution.
Possibly still have an idea here?

Still waiting for someone with an idea :smiley:

You’re likely not going to get anything with what you provided

My tablet is unstable

That could literally be for any reason from trolls clicking the on off button to weird network config to specific issues with that device.

If they keep dropping and they aren’t Amazon fire tabs (which have horrible network stacks - I just reset one and move on with those.) look at your network. Simplify the segment that your tablet is connected to.

You’re running Aruba gear (raid someone’s surplus sale?) Go to a bare bones 2ghz wifi with no extras - no optimization no auto anything and see if it still drops if it’s not one of those you’re in for some significant troubleshooting.

(and why I don’t bother troubleshooting my display tablets. The cheap network stacks are crap and I just expect them to bounce and dropout on occasion)

I have the same problem, except that I am running on a wired connection…

Some background … I am replacing my old 7" gen 4 fire tablets with 8" gen 8 tablets, and the new ones are more prone to this problem. The gen 4 tablets would fail this way every 2-3 days and the newer gen 8 tablets fail daily …

Another tidbit… this seems to only happen when I am running with Fully Kiosk and the web HA application. I ran one of my two 8 gen tablets wirelessly with the companion app daily for several months without fully kiosk and didn’t have this problem.

not sure if my experience negates the idea that it is the network stack or the wifi on the fire tv…

Another clue… When the tablet is in that state, I can connect to the fully kiosk remote administration page from another computer, and this restores the function of the tablet…

The error message that the fully kiosk browser shows is:

The web page at http://homeassistant:8123/dashboard-main/thermostat could not be loaded because: net::ERR_NAME_NOT REOLVED”, however if I open the silk browser on the tablet, it has no problems resolving that or any other name, yet the fully kiosk browser remains in this broken state regardless of success in the silk browser, or stopping and restarting fully.

To me this means its a problem with fully kiosk software on fire tablets … Can anyone else confirm this diagnosis?


@Love-to-Soccer & @avpezoulas - did you ever solve your issues?

I am wondering because I am struggling with the same issue since a few days.

Running HA on Proxmox on an Intel NUC host. My Fire HD 10’ is connected via a Unifi network, wirelessly with direct access to the Unifi UDM. The strange thing is that the tablet was up and running since Jan '23, so since ~20 months.

And now, a couple of days ago, it started the bevaviour decribed in your posts.

Would be fantastic if you have solved the issue and could provide details on that.

If not, here is my config. Maybe we can solve this together…

    "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS",
    "version": "2024.9.3",
    "dev": false,
    "hassio": true,
    "virtualenv": false,
    "python_version": "3.12.4",
    "docker": true,
    "arch": "x86_64",
    "timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
    "os_name": "Linux",
    "os_version": "6.6.46-haos",
    "supervisor": "2024.09.1",
    "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 13.1",
    "docker_version": "26.1.4",
    "chassis": "vm",
    "run_as_root": true
  "integration_manifest": {
    "domain": "fully_kiosk",
    "name": "Fully Kiosk Browser",
    "after_dependencies": [
  "data": {
    "deviceName": "Fire Tablet",
    "packageName": "de.ozerov.fully",
    "altitude": 0,
    "locationProvide": "network",
    "batteryLevel": 100,
    "isPlugged": true,
    "SSID": "**REDACTED**",
    "BSSID": "**REDACTED**",
    "Mac": "**REDACTED**",
    "ip4": "**REDACTED**",
    "ip6": "**REDACTED**",
    "hostname4": "**REDACTED**",
    "hostname6": "**REDACTED**",
    "wifiSignalLevel": 8,
    "isMobileDataEnabled": false,
    "screenOrientation": 90,
    "screenBrightness": 86,
    "screenLocked": true,
    "screenOn": false,
    "batteryTemperature": 23,
    "plugged": true,
    "keyguardLocked": true,
    "locale": "de_DE",
    "serial": "**REDACTED**",
    "build": "PS7330.4104N",
    "androidVersion": "9",
    "webviewUA": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; KFTRWI Build/PS7330.4104N; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/126.0.6478.186 Safari/537.36",
    "motionDetectorStatus": 0,
    "isDeviceAdmin": true,
    "isDeviceOwner": false,
    "internalStorageFreeSpace": 20816535552,
    "internalStorageTotalSpace": 25780625408,
    "ramUsedMemory": 2181402624,
    "ramFreeMemory": 750747648,
    "ramTotalMemory": 2932150272,
    "appUsedMemory": 5053152,
    "appFreeMemory": 129164576,
    "appTotalMemory": 134217728,
    "timestamp": 1727765256061,
    "scopedStorage": false,
    "displayHeightPixels": 1200,
    "displayWidthPixels": 1920,