Firewall Configuration for Network Access

Hi all,

I have HA running in Hyper V on a W11 pro pc. I can access HA direct on the machine, and if i remote desktop into the machine off another PC in my network i can get into HA. All as expected.

I can’t however access HA on .local:8123 or via the IP:8123 either. I couldnt even ping the machine until i turned the private firewall off - then i could ping it from another PC on the network, but still no HA access.

For what its worth I have blue iris on the machine too, and I can access it’s webserver across my network no problem - I can see it’s made some firewall rules for itself. Clearly something needs tweaking here, can anyone help out with a how-to?


Amazingly i’m going to answer my own question, for the benefit of anyone in the future looking for this. I changed the switch on the virtual machine in Hyper V from the default to a new switch with external access and we are up and running.