First Alert Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Setup

Just picked up a new version of these to see about starting to replace my 4 non-plus ones.
Everything is looking good except that it shows “Problem” under “System - System hardware failure”

Anyone ever seen that?


by First Alert (BRK Brands Inc)

Firmware: 11.0

Restarting HA switched it to 0 (Ok). Out of curiosity I just emailed First Alert to get details, if any, on what that truly means if there was a valid problem.

I really don’t wanna go the template sensor route, anyone know an easy and harmless way to trigger a false alarm for CO? Smoke I can do by just bringing them into the kitching and burning some toast, but not sure how to trigger a CO alarm.

Look up Carbon Monoxide Test Aerosol on Amazon or your favorite shopping site. (theres also a smoke detection test spray available)

Use it SPARINGLY… Smoke and CO detectors have a limited useful life. Smokes are generally good for 10 years and COs are 3-10 depending on the detection media. (I THINK the FA-Zcombos are 10 year devices - your manual should say)

Overuse of test spray can prematurely end your detector’s lifespan. NFPA reccommmends testing the unit once a month using the test button. I spray test mine whrn I replace my batteries every 6-12 months.

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I updated the above template to support both old and new ZCombo

- platform: template
      salon_smoke_detector_status: # ZCOMBO-G
        friendly_name: Salon Smoke Detector Status
        value_template: >-
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.salon_smoke_detector_smoke_alarm_smoke_detected', true) %}
          {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.salon_smoke_detector_co_alarm_carbon_monoxide_detected', true) %}
          {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.salon_smoke_detector_smoke_alarm_smoke_alarm_test', true) %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.salon_smoke_detector_smoke_alarm_sensor_status', 'idle') and is_state('sensor.salon_smoke_detector_co_alarm_alarm_status', 'idle') %}
          {% endif %}
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.salon_smoke_detector_smoke_alarm_smoke_detected', true) %}
          {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.salon_smoke_detector_co_alarm_carbon_monoxide_detected', true) %}
          {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.salon_smoke_detector_smoke_alarm_smoke_alarm_test', true) %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.salon_smoke_detector_smoke_alarm_sensor_status', 'idle') and is_state('sensor.salon_smoke_detector_co_alarm_alarm_status', 'idle') %}
          {% endif %}

      master_suite_smoke_detector_status: # ZCOMBO (old)
        friendly_name: Master Suite Smoke Detector Status
        value_template: >-
          {% if is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '1') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '2') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '0') and is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '12') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '13') %}
          {% endif %}
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '1') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '2') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '0') and is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '12') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.master_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '13') %}
          {% endif %}

        friendly_name: Guest Suite Smoke Detector Status
        value_template: >-
          {% if is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '1') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '2') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '0') and is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '12') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '13') %}
          {% endif %}
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '1') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '2') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '0') and is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '12') %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmlevel', '255') and is_state('sensor.guest_suite_smoke_detector_alarmtype', '13') %}
          {% endif %}


Hold it near your cars exhaust?

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I was able to add mine but it took a few tries. It kept wanting to do an unauthenticated install and would just load a basic node with no attributes. I found that if I went to the integrations page and just clicked on add integration, there is now 2 new additions at the top for adding Zigbee and ZWave devices. Adding it in that way seemed to do the proper L2 authentication and it loaded up all of the attributes correctly. I didn’t need to make any template sensors just needed to create my automations for notifications and add the sensors into Alarmo for monitoring.

See my post below

@kramttocs Did you ever hear back from First Alert on the error? My alarm just went off today and now it has this error and it is not going away.

Sorry, I never did.

Just a quick note that I migrated from the deprecated Wave 1.4 to ZwaveJS2MQTT today. I’d been putting it off, but it was in the way of upgrading HA (I was stuck on 2022.3.7, just before they removed the old integration).

I followed these great instructions:

A real worry that I had was our First Alert Smoke/CO detectors. They were a total pain to get working in the first place since they were not directly supported by the legacy integration (and they were fiddly trying to join the network).

Fortunately all I had to do was wait until they all woke up (step 9 of the instructions above). Took a while (I think the sleep interval is 70 minutes, worse case). So luckily I didn’t have to break out the ladder to wake them up or get them to re-join.

I did have to rework my templates, but it was well worth it to use the new entities that ZwaveJS2MQTT provided. Much better than the raw value templates that I had to hack together because the device was never directly supported by the deprecated Zwave integration.

Since my NodeRed integrations were using the template, I didn’t have to change the flows very much. I did remove a hack (which I’m not sure ever worked) that would report a low battery situation by looking at the battery percentage level. Instead I’m now using the provided entity that indicates if the unit is in low battery mode (binary_sensor.blah_blah_low_battery_level).

Luckily I’ve got some units with older batteries, so while testing the detectors, some of them ran out of juice and the binary sensor indicated low battery (exactly coinciding with the low battery chirp from the alarm).

Now I know that I’ll get a push notification when any unit is in low battery mode, and I can see their status from our wall panels. I no longer have to wander around listening for which unit is chirping.

It was a bit of work, but I’m very happy with the upgrade.

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Is there a way to trigger the alarm/siren via HA? Wondering if anybody ever made that work. Would love to add that to my security system as @LoRd_NeX also mentioned. As he also mentioned, would be great to be able to stop the alarm as well rather than having to wait for it decide to stop. Thanks!


Hi Guys,

I have some First Alert devices and today tried to connect them to my HA via an Aeotec gen 5 zw90 868.42Mhz . My First Alert smoke detectors are from 2018 “ZCOMBO” These device just do connect to the Aeotec gen 5. Is it possible that First alert devices use a different frequency?

No. ZWave frequencies are standard, they are regional - you can’t use US ZWave in the UK because of the frequency but they are standardized…

Hey all, I got my gen 1s working thanks to the people in this thread but had a question:

This morning one of the alarms went into state 12 alarm level 254. I know 12 / 255 is test, but what does 254 mean?


I recently migrated from Smartthings and these are the last ones I’m trying to automate.
Luckily, I was able to add 12 of them without any hiccups via Zwave2Mqtt (JS UI).

Read the whole thread here from the beginning and It looks like there are two general version of these ZCombo - non-plus and the zwave-plus versions.

I have included mine via Zwave JS UI and from there, it doesn’t indicate I have the plus. Here is a picture too: (no zwave plus label anywhere). Firmware version 0.5

So having that established that I don’t have newer version. I was checking the states and was not able to find sample: ‘sensor.master_smoke_detector_alarmlevel’, ‘255’ – what I found are states that are for the new ones? (screenshot below)

So even though I have a Gen 1, does it mean I have to use the template for Gen 2 since the states will line up to that template?

Sorry but since I’m new to HA, I just want to make sure I understand before testing or making changes.


This thread spans several years and multiple integrations, so a lot of information is out of date.

As of Z-Wave JS v10.10.0 (released Feb 2023), these sensors are created automatically for the first gen versions, and ZJS maps the old alarm values to the “new” notification values. Assuming the mapping is correct, it means you don’t need templates anymore.


that’s a super cool idea !

It’s supposed to map the values now? I just rebuilt my HA from scratch on a Yellow and I’m not seeing that. Brand new install of 2023.6.2, fresh install of Z-Wave JS UI. I did have the pairing still in the controller dongle (ZST10-700), so I just had to wake each detector up and they were back into HA. I am just getting the alarmLevel and alarmType sensors, so my old templates are still in use.

I currently have multiple binary sensors provided by the integration, based on the mapped values.

        "manufacturer": "BRK Brands, Inc.",
        "manufacturerId": 312,
        "label": "ZCOMBO",
        "description": "Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm",
        "domain": "binary_sensor",
        "entity_id": "binary_sensor.smoke_and_carbon_monoxide_alarm_smoke_alarm_smoke_alarm_test",
        "original_name": "Smoke alarm test",
        "original_device_class": "problem",
        "disabled": false,
        "disabled_by": null,
        "hidden_by": null,
        "original_icon": null,
        "entity_category": null,
        "supported_features": 0,
        "unit_of_measurement": null,
        "value_id": "10-113-0-Smoke Alarm-Alarm status",
        "primary_value": {
          "command_class": 113,
          "command_class_name": "Notification",
          "endpoint": 0,
          "property": "Smoke Alarm",
          "property_name": "Smoke Alarm",
          "property_key": "Alarm status",
          "property_key_name": "Alarm status",
          "state_key": 3
        "domain": "binary_sensor",
        "entity_id": "binary_sensor.living_room_smoke_detector_smoke_detected",
        "original_name": "Smoke detected",
        "original_device_class": "smoke",
        "disabled": false,
        "disabled_by": null,
        "hidden_by": null,
        "original_icon": null,
        "entity_category": null,
        "supported_features": 0,
        "unit_of_measurement": null,
        "value_id": "10-113-0-Smoke Alarm-Sensor status",
        "primary_value": {
          "command_class": 113,
          "command_class_name": "Notification",
          "endpoint": 0,
          "property": "Smoke Alarm",
          "property_name": "Smoke Alarm",
          "property_key": "Sensor status",
          "property_key_name": "Sensor status",
          "state_key": 2
        "domain": "binary_sensor",
        "entity_id": "binary_sensor.living_room_smoke_detector_carbon_monoxide_detected",
        "original_name": "Carbon monoxide detected",
        "original_device_class": "carbon_monoxide",
        "disabled": false,
        "disabled_by": null,
        "hidden_by": null,
        "original_icon": null,
        "entity_category": null,
        "supported_features": 0,
        "unit_of_measurement": null,
        "value_id": "10-113-0-CO Alarm-Sensor status",
        "primary_value": {
          "command_class": 113,
          "command_class_name": "Notification",
          "endpoint": 0,
          "property": "CO Alarm",
          "property_name": "CO Alarm",
          "property_key": "Sensor status",
          "property_key_name": "Sensor status",
          "state_key": 2