First Installation - Error on Starting

I have been following a YouTube video (How To Install Home Assistant on Windows in 3 minutes - YouTube) on how to install Home Assistant on a Windows 10 PC (HP Latitude 7275 2 in 1 laptop). I get as far as clicking “Start” in the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager (2:05 of 3:31) then I get the “HASS running” on the window which only shows “Mapping Table”, about 10 rows of BLKn where n is a number and then it stops. It doesn’t get to display the “Home Assistant” logo draw in text and the IP Address.

I have asked the person who posted the video, who said that they never seen that.

Does anyone have any pointers for me on how to resolve?

Thanking you in advance.


  1. do not use virtual box on windows for productive environments.
  2. you might consider to post screenshots of the exact screen …
  3. you should not use virtual box on windows for productive environments - it can be considered as a test setup… ok, but according to other topics here, you will probably face other issues after a while…
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Hi Christph

Thank you for your feedback. It’s helpful. I wanted to add an image but I couldn’t see an attachment icon. Not sure if this is a newbie thing on this community group or me just overlooking it.

Can you tell me what would be the best set up for Home Assistant on a Windows 10 device?

Thank you


it might be, that you need to create a few topics to attach screenshots, but usually, copy / paste should also work :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I cannot say anything on running HA on a Windows Machine… I am using Proxmox with virtualized HA OS…
It is more an issue with Virtual Box that I have - I think, I would use HyperV or VmWare for this

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