First Post - SupraConnect? No Search Results. Any Interest/Capability?

Hello everyone,

This is my first post, so pleave forgive me if I am breaking any rules here. I am not even sure if I selected the right subcategory of configuration, so if this is incorrect, please let me know and I will change it.

I did search the forums and came up with no results for what I am brining up so I wanted to post to see if I am missing something, or if this has been brought up and found to be impossible to impliment, etc.

Basically, I see we have “BMW Connected Services” and a few other vehicle integrations appear to be under development. My question concerns a particular Make and Model and not just Make. The Toyota Supra.

I want to state that I have very little experience in development and such and I mainly use the UI of home assistant to try to get around. The reason I am posting separately from the Toyota integration discussion is that “SupraConnect” ( appears at least on the surface to not fall under Toyota, nor BMW. If you’re not familiar with the newest Supra’s, they are a BMW/Toyota hybrid design. Heavily influenced by BMW, BWM engine, interior mostly, etc.

Well BWM Connect, I have an account, but my car isn’t listed there. If I log into Toyota connected services, it is not listed there either. It has it’s own separate web site, mobile app, etc. from both of those.

Now there may be some behind the scenes API usage of one of the two but I am not nearly smart enough to figure that part out unfortunatly.

So my question is, has anyone brought this up, or would it be too niche of a group of users who would use it? It would be nice if I could have my Tesla integration and a Supra integration all on home assistant and be able to use the app functionality via HA instead of the web portal and/or the app.

If this has been brought up or is not something that I should bring up here, please feel free to delele this post. I just wasn’t sure if anyone besides myself was interested in a 2020+ Toyota Supra integration.


Did you solve this meanwhile?
We do need a fork of the BMW integraton with a different service URL.
Toyota is using

Instead of

It would be an easy change knowing where to look for the endpoint.

/edit: added Feature-request here:
Derivat of BMW Connected for TOYOTA Supra - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community (