First SONOFF TH Tasmotised with Mosquitto MQTT need help

Hello. I am very sorry to ask for your help in this matter. I have Flashed my Sonoff TH with tasmota and I am trying to get MQTT to work. Unfortunately after a full day looking at every tutorial and many sort of similar error message topic solutions, it still hasn’t worked.

Here is the configuration:

Sonoff th16 Flashed Version 5.9.1
Raspberry pie 3 B+ with Hassio

This is the Sonoff config

And the error message I am getting on the console

18:39:19 MQT: Attempting connection…
18:39:25 MQT: Connect failed to, rc -2. Retry in 10 sec

Now this is the Hassio config:


and this is the messages from mosquitto

Mosquitto seem to see it but they do not talk to each other.

The weird part is that Tasmoadmin recognize the sonoff perfectly but MQTT doesn’t work.

And I open all the ports on the router

I have been spending all day trying every config I could find online without success. Does anyone see in this config where did I get is wrong?

Thank you

Just forget this message. the problem was the fixed router IP was out of bounds. getting is lower finally solved it