First steps in HA: tab, section, sensor

I’m sorry but I have some doubts about the configuration of HA. Using components I’m not understanding why they are in the wrong place respect where I want them :sweat_smile:

Someone could kindly write the configuration.yaml (and groups.yaml and any other files needed) to set HA as in the picture below please? (Colors are random name for the elements). So I’ll understand the differences between the positions and how to write my configuration file to create what I have in my mind.

Thank you very much!

Nobody is going to do that for you :stuck_out_tongue: you need to at the very least show that you are willing to try to sort something out for yourself, rather than asking everyone else to do it all for you :stuck_out_tongue:

Please post what you have and we will try to help you :slight_smile:

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Here is a very good guide. I learn from here.

Ok now i’m watching the video, then i try and I’ll write. Luckly I also found a new topic with some code and it’s all more simpler :wink:

Once you have wrote your yaml file. if you not sure whether correct or wrong you can check from

Thank you, sunonline! Today I spent my day to understand “view” and “groups” and I started to write my first rows of configuration :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks to all!