I was able to flash the device and then update it with the specific YAML config for the power monitor. It shows up in HA, but only has the firmware update entity.
I followed both this video and this github.
When I updated the config from ESPHome in HA, I do get this warning…
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 10.00 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Resolving IP address of panel-monitor-01.local
INFO Uploading /data/panel-monitor-01/.pioenvs/panel-monitor-01/firmware.bin (860800 bytes)
ERROR Error auth result: Error: Authentication invalid. Is the password correct?
And when I look at the logs of the device I get this warning…
WARNING panel-monitor-01.local: Connection error occurred:
Here is part of the config what shows the api section. There is more to the config, I can post if needed. The API key here matches what shows up in ESPHome when I say “show api key”. Is there something else I should be doing?
name: panel-monitor-01
friendly_name: Panel Monitor 01
build_path: .esphome/build/panel-monitor-01
platformio_options: {}
includes: []
libraries: []
name_add_mac_suffix: false
min_version: 2023.2.4
board: esp32dev
version: 4.4.2
sdkconfig_options: {}
ignore_efuse_mac_crc: false
source: ~3.40402.0
platform_version: platformio/espressif32 @ 5.2.0
type: esp-idf
variant: ESP32
flash_write_interval: 48h
- source:
url: https://github.com/emporia-vue-local/esphome.git
ref: dev
type: git
- emporia_vue
refresh: 1d
key: NWWif+f+UgDzhaaBO0ilIVPLTE47BHwvTDmx8NJqfuc=
- service: play_rtttl
song_str: string
- rtttl.play:
rtttl: !lambda 'return song_str;'
# Create a secure password for pushing OTA updates.
password: "<secure_password>"
# Enable logging
# Wifi credentials are stored securely by new device wizard.
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# the default of 1min is far too short--flash chip is rated
# for approx 100k writes.
flash_write_interval: "48h"
- platform: ledc
pin: GPIO12
id: buzzer
output: buzzer
- logger.log: 'Song ended!'
- platform: template
name: "Two Beeps"
- rtttl.play: "two short:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6"
- platform: status_led
name: "D3_LED"
pin: 23
restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
sda: 21
scl: 22
scan: false
frequency: 200kHz # recommended range is 50-200kHz
id: i2c_a
- platform: sntp
id: my_time
# these are called references in YAML. They allow you to reuse
# this configuration in each sensor, while only defining it once
- &moving_avg
# we capture a new sample every 0.24 seconds, so the time can
# be calculated from the number of samples as n * 0.24.
# we average over the past 2.88 seconds
window_size: 12
# we push a new value every 1.44 seconds
send_every: 6
- &invert
# invert and filter out any values below 0.
lambda: 'return max(-x, 0.0f);'
- &pos
# filter out any values below 0.
lambda: 'return max(x, 0.0f);'
- &abs
# take the absolute value of the value
lambda: 'return abs(x);'
- platform: emporia_vue
i2c_id: i2c_a
- id: phase_a # Verify that this specific phase/leg is connected to correct input wire color on device listed below
input: BLACK # Vue device wire color
calibration: 0.022 # 0.022 is used as the default as starting point but may need adjusted to ensure accuracy
# To calculate new calibration value use the formula <in-use calibration value> * <accurate voltage> / <reporting voltage>
name: "Phase A Voltage"
filters: [*moving_avg, *pos]
name: "Phase A Frequency"
filters: [*moving_avg, *pos]
- id: phase_b # Verify that this specific phase/leg is connected to correct input wire color on device listed below
input: RED # Vue device wire color
calibration: 0.022 # 0.022 is used as the default as starting point but may need adjusted to ensure accuracy
# To calculate new calibration value use the formula <in-use calibration value> * <accurate voltage> / <reporting voltage>
name: "Phase B Voltage"
filters: [*moving_avg, *pos]
name: "Phase B Phase Angle"
filters: [*moving_avg, *pos]
- phase_id: phase_a
input: "A" # Verify the CT going to this device input also matches the phase/leg
name: "Phase A Power"
id: phase_a_power
device_class: power
filters: [*moving_avg, *pos]
- phase_id: phase_b
input: "B" # Verify the CT going to this device input also matches the phase/leg
name: "Phase B Power"
id: phase_b_power
device_class: power
filters: [*moving_avg, *pos]
# Pay close attention to set the phase_id for each breaker by matching it to the phase/leg it connects to in the panel
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "1", power: { name: "Circuit 1 Power", id: cir1, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_b, input: "2", power: { name: "Circuit 2 Power", id: cir2, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "3", power: { name: "Circuit 3 Power", id: cir3, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "4", power: { name: "Circuit 4 Power", id: cir4, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "5", power: { name: "Circuit 5 Power", id: cir5, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos, multiply: 2 ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "6", power: { name: "Circuit 6 Power", id: cir6, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos, multiply: 2 ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "7", power: { name: "Circuit 7 Power", id: cir7, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos, multiply: 2 ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_b, input: "8", power: { name: "Circuit 8 Power", id: cir8, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_b, input: "9", power: { name: "Circuit 9 Power", id: cir9, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_b, input: "10", power: { name: "Circuit 10 Power", id: cir10, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "11", power: { name: "Circuit 11 Power", id: cir11, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos, multiply: 2 ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "12", power: { name: "Circuit 12 Power", id: cir12, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos, multiply: 2 ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "13", power: { name: "Circuit 13 Power", id: cir13, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "14", power: { name: "Circuit 14 Power", id: cir14, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_b, input: "15", power: { name: "Circuit 15 Power", id: cir15, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- { phase_id: phase_a, input: "16", power: { name: "Circuit 16 Power", id: cir16, filters: [ *moving_avg, *pos ] } }
- platform: template
name: "Total Power"
lambda: return id(phase_a_power).state + id(phase_b_power).state;
update_interval: 1s
id: total_power
unit_of_measurement: "W"
- platform: total_daily_energy
name: "Total Daily Energy"
power_id: total_power
accuracy_decimals: 0
- { power_id: cir1, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 1 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir2, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 2 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir3, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 3 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir4, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 4 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir5, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 5 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir6, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 6 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir7, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 7 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir8, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 8 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir9, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 9 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir10, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 10 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir11, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 11 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir12, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 12 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir13, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 13 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir14, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 14 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir15, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 15 Daily Energy" }
- { power_id: cir16, platform: total_daily_energy, accuracy_decimals: 0, name: "Circuit 16 Daily Energy" }
The device shows up as ONLINE in ESPHome.