First time Raspberry Pi user needs help!

Hi. I had Home Assistant installed on a Mac laptop as a test for a few weeks, and that seemed fine. But I need to use the laptop, and thought it probably wasn’t a good idea to have it on all the time, so I bought a Raspberry Pi 5, and installed HA on that via the disk imager. It started up fine, and I was able to set up HA on my Mac desktop, which is also connected to the router via Ethernet cable, like the Pi.

The problem is that I can’t seem to connect to HA via any other device, either using the iOS app, which had been happily connecting to the previous Mac laptop version before, or via browser. It just doesn’t find the server.

As a test, I disconnected the Mac desktop from the Ethernet cable and ran it off WiFi. Sure enough, no connection there either doing it that way.

So i thought, it must be because the Raspberry Pi needs WiFi enabling. After some digging, I found that the only way of doing this without doing command line stuff, which I know very little about, is by setting up from scratch again via the disk imager, but using the advanced settings (which took some finding!) to add the WiFi connection.

I did that. But, I still get the same result. Ethernet connected desktop connects fine but nothing else will.

What am I missing here? I am totally new to the Pi, and don’t really know anything, well very little anyway, about Terminal and command line stuff. But I feel like it must be something very simple for those in the know!


If you can reach HA from the Mac, it is up and running fine. What url are you using to connect to it on the Mac? Have you tried using an url with the ip address of the RPi?

Hey there and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Without more information, my first guess would be the IP address.

How did you do the move of your HA installation? Or did you only setup a new installation and that one isn’t working?

Anyway, if possible, HA should not run with Wifi, ethernet is the preferrable and recommend way. As many of your (future) devices will use frequencies in the range of Wifi (eg. Zigbee), it is always the better choice to use ethernet! :slight_smile:

That being said, you might want to do a last install, with the recommended settings, and work your way up from there.

My recommendation would be:

  • Download the Pi imager or Rufus
  • Write the new image on the sd-card(?)
  • Don’t setup Wifi!
  • Start the installation
  • If anything goes wrong here, take a look at the logs and post them here
  • Move back to your old HA installation (laptop) and make a backup
  • Restore that backup during the onboarding process after the installation
  • Report back, if any errors come up
  • If you can’t reach your new HA installation, check in your router for the IP of the new machine.

Let’s see, where this gets you to, and then take care of issues, if they come up. :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m using http://homeassistant.local:8123. Sorry to ask, but what’s the easiest way to find out the IP of the Raspberry Pi?

Thank you. I didn’t think to try using a backup of the previous Mac install, I just started again from fresh, but yes I will give that a go!

Different ways. If you attach a monitor to the pi, it will show the ip at the console. But since you can access HA from the mac: I can see mine at the settings, network, at the bottom of the page after the ethernet adapter:

so for me, the url is

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Hi again! So I followed your steps and restored from the backup of the Mac laptop version. Everything went smoothly, but I get exactly the same result - I can only access HA from my Ethernet wired desktop Mac, and not from browser or app on iOS devices.

Something else to add - my previous server had Sharptools set up for dashboards, and that is now working again from the iOS devices. But I guess that accesses via the web to the Sharptools integration.

It’s not the end of the world if I have to make HA changes via the desktop, especially as I can access my Sharptools dashboards via the iOS devices, but I’d still like to get to the bottom of it if possible!

Thanks for any further advice!

Solved, thank you!When I plug the Pi into a monitor, I see a range of ip addresses I tried from the browser on my iPad and it connects and logs in fine (hurrah!), and after a little persuasion, so did the HA app.

Thanks to all for their help😊

Now solved thank you!

Good you got it working! :slight_smile: Have fun with your new installation!

And if you wouldn’t mind, please tag @Edwin_Ds post as the solution. It shows that thread as solved for future users! Thanks! :slight_smile: