First timestamp from 3 sensors

Question: How to make a template that let me see what the first next timestamp is?

I have 3 sensor timestamps:
sensor.rova_bio _ status: 2023-01-09T23:00:00+00:00
sensor.rova_paper _ status: 2023-01-29T23:00:00+00:00
sensor.rova_plastic _ status: 2023-01-22T23:00:00+00:00

How to make a sensor that is telling me the first next of these tree?

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Use a template sensor, for the value_template build an array of the three values and run it into min. Test the expression in developer tools / templates. It’d be something approximately like this:

{{ [ states(‘ sensor.rova_bio_status’), states(‘your next sensor’), states(‘last sensor’) ] | min }}