First try to integrate openai

It’s an early version of the idea, but already functional.

This project uses the OpenAI API to generate text based on the status of a home appliance, such as a washing machine or a dryer. The generated text is then sent to a Telegram chat using the MQTT protocol.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


To run this project, you will need:

A running MQTT broker An OpenAI API key A Telegram bot and chat ID Python 3 installed on your machine The following Python libraries:

  • paho-mqtt
  • openai

You can install these libraries using pip: pip install paho-mqtt openai


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine git clone GitHub - phoenix-blue/openai_home_assistant
  2. Replace the placeholders in the script with your own MQTT broker details, OpenAI API key and Telegram chat ID.
  3. Replace the placeholders in the dryer.yaml and Telegram_Output.yaml files with your own MQTT broker details and Telegram chat ID.
  4. Run the script


When the status of the home appliance changes, the dryer.yaml script will send a message to the openai/status topic on the MQTT broker. The script will listen for messages on this topic and use the OpenAI API to generate a response based on the received status. The generated text will then be sent to the Telegram chat through the Telegram_Output.yaml script.

Of course it’s possible to send an own text label to the MQTT broker with topic openai/status


Complete project is build with the openai environment, next step is to generate an way to run the python script direct in HASSIO OS as component or integration.

The api key you can get from this page → OpenAI API

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