Fitbit Card

Fitbit Card for Home Assistant



  - type: 'custom:fitbit-card'
    battery_entity: sensor.versa_battery
      - entity: sensor.tracker_steps
        icon_color: '#14308D'
      - entity: sensor.distance
        show_units: true
      - entity: sensor.tracker_calories
        icon_color: red
      - entity: sensor.minutes_sedentary
        max: 1000
      - entity: sensor.minutes_very_active
        max: 120
      - entity: sensor.minutes_lightly_active
        max: 50
          '0': red
          '50': yellow
          '90': green
      - entity: sensor.resting_heart_rate
        show_units: true


Name Type Requirement Default Description
type string Required custom:fitbit-card
battery_entity string Optional Battery entity to show battery status
header_entities list<Object> Optional [] List of fitbit sensors to display in the header
show_units_header boolean Optional false Show units for all header entities
entities list<Object> Optional [] List of fitbit sensors to display n the body
max string Optional 100 Global maximum value for body entities

header_entities options

Name Type Requirement Default Description
entity string Required Name of entitiy
icon_color string Optional color of icon next to entity (can be color name or hex value)
show_units boolean Optional false show units next to entity value (show_units_header overrides this)

entities options

Name Type Requirement Default Description
entity string Required Name of entitiy
max number Optional global max value override global maxiumum value for this entity
color_stops list Optional --primary-color custom colors for percent circle
show_units boolean Optional false show units next to value

I tried to use the custom component but whatever I try, I’m getting the error “Custom element doesn’t exist: fitbit-card.”. I’m on with HA version 0.114.4. I installed the custom component with HACS and added the following to my Lovelace config:

  - url: /hacsfiles/fitbit-card/fitbit-card.js
    type: module

I also tried the (deprecated?) config from the HACS instructions but that resulted in the same error.

  - url: /community_plugin/fitbit-card/fitbit-card.js
    type: js

In the logs I cannot find anything. Any help would be appreciated.

Hey Neoc83 - Did you ever figure it out? I have the same issue on 0.118 - Thanks.

No unfortunately not but I haven’t tried ever since.

I actually figured it out. It worked fine when I got all the entities with the right names. Some sensors were not defined correctly.

Good luck!