seems that the Fitbit integration has broken since 2022.6.5 or 2022.6.6.
When I try and reconfigure it, I get the following error - I’ve looked into the code for the integration, but can’t see anything that might be causing it (not that I’m a coder by any stretch)
I’ve found a few topics talking about the Fitbit integration being updated, but doesn’t appear like it’s ever happened.
Has anyone else come across this and been able to resolve it?
yeah, thanks @tom_l - I tried the Multiple Accounts custom component, but it returns the same error, so I wasn’t sure if it were the Integration or something core to Home Assistant…
I’m having the same error as you mentioned above but it’s still not working. I was using the multi-account fitbit method as listed here: Home-Assistant/Fitbit - Add Multiple Accounts at main · TheTroubleshooter/Home-Assistant · GitHub so I tried blowing the entire fitbit integration away and starting from scratch but it still pops that error "Failed to call service configurator/configure. unexpected end of data: line 4 column 2 (char 83). @DrewXT what did you do to fix it?
At the the I set it up again, and it started working.
It’s just broken again, so I’ve set up MyFitnessPal as a conduit from Fitbit to Garmin, and using the Garmin connect integration to pull the Fitbit data I was pulling directly.
Almost syncs in real time with a free account in MyFitnessPal, and I already use a Garmin Epix2 as my sports watch