Fitbit integration with Home Assistant

My question here is: how does the sleep tracking integrate with Home assistant? I want to run an automation: after 6:15 AM, but before 7:00 AM while I am in my REM, and when there is no REM predicted, it will wake me up in my lightest sleep. would I be able to do this with Fitbit and Home Assistant?

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cool idea, I have no answer, but interested

nice, when the automation triggers I’d like to turn on my wake up lights which would trigger a code on an ES8266, and slowly turn on my lights over a period of five minutes. that is the goal at least!

I have that with a HUE bulb inside a Ikea floor lamp (the round one). Of course without Fitbit integration: it does that every morning

does it work?
if it does, how well do you wake up?compared from a scale from workday to weekend.

I lived well 50 years without it, I have it since 6 months … I think its just a gadget, but probably it will depends on each subject

I mean, does it really help you wake up better and improve your day?

If I was selling hue bulbs I would tell you, yes … but in reality, I can’t tell you for sure

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well, I am going to borrow an ESP8266, so I should find out pretty soon