I have started using history_stats sensors to track how many minutes certain devices are running each day.
However I allways get 0.something values back… so its giving the time back in hours??
How can I change that? Time-Measurements are generaly done in Seconds so seeing hours there is very odd and makes little sense.
If I want to turn this into Minutes I need a seperate template sensor that multiplies the value by 60 which is a pretty poor reason for yet another Sensor.
I tried playing around with unit_of_measurement but that allways breaks the config.
So what is the correct, intended way to get minutes out of a history_stasts sensor?
I fail to see how you would call changing the unit of a sensor “very advanced functionality”.
Others would call the inabillity to do so a bug.
I would not complain if HA wouldnt be that resource hungry and having yet another bunch of sensors that keep getting tracked is not helping in that regard.
So I fail to see how forcing users to configure additional sensors either through fixing the output numbers of history_stats or by building a counter and incrementing it via an automation would qualify as intentional design choice.