FIXED: Ecovacs Deebot 2019 & OZMO Series - Working Library


With official component I had same results with 930, now I’m using a little modified file of ligio custom component for ozmo 900.

I have working:

  • Start/Stop/Return Home
  • Spot cleaning
  • Location

The only that I have changed in is erase speed=self.device.fan_speed, in all lines, because 930 don’t support to select manually speed fan.

It looks like you are using the original HA component. Read this thread from the start if, to see how to use the replacement integration which supports the 930.

Thank you ! its working now! the only problem now is that when I sent deebot too the charging dock (by pushing the off button), the deebot does not respons at any commands afterwards (its giving a long error code). Start/Stop/Return Home Spot cleaning and location are not working then.

You’ll need to report that to the guy who create the fork of the sucks library. Again, check the posts above, I posted a link to the github repo where you should create an issue ticket.


I’m not having those issues. I do not use the predefined card. I use my own picture-elements card and I use services to start, stop and clean an area. The default card buttons may not work well in this modification. You could try with vacuum services.


I have created a post in sucks github but it seems dead.
Ligio custom component is for 900 and this has different functions that 930.
I know that my “solution” isn’t the best but meanwhile… it’s the only that works for me. Maybe I don’t understood right the steps in this thread.
Someone has managed to operate the 930 with some custom component?

Thanks in advance

wow, way to go! New code works with my 901 perfectly, still no data on my OZMO, will need to figure that out. I have 2, both the 901 and the OZMO, I know one of the original developers of this and he said that they are trying to decide how to move forward with the code changes because they have 3 communication types that ecovacs uses, so trying to decide how to best work with all of them, or break them apart.

Hi guys, what kind of Lovelace UI Card do you use for OZMO/Deboot?

At present I’ve not been able to find one specifically for the Evocas / Deebot range so I just use the default HA entity card and the controls that appear in the popup.

It’d be great if someone could come up with a card though.

I use a picture elements card with a background picture of my 930 and some buttons to:

  • complete cleaning
  • zone A cleaning
  • zone B cleaning
  • zone C cleaning
  • zone D cleaning (all of these call scripts)
  • back to home


i have a deebot ozma 930
What i need to change in the configuration to run all commands
Currently in my HA i can see if the vacuum is running or not
i have copy the files, manifest.json and in the folder custom_components/deebot


Now i can see the following window.

Currently only the button location does work


could you share it, please?

It has no sense to share because I have my own scripts, picture etc but I could explain how do it:

First you need some scripts, one for each area:

    alias: Limpieza Zona 0
    - service: vacuum.send_command
        entity_id: vacuum.deebot930
        command: spot_area
          area: '0' #1, 2, 3 etc

and then you can make the picture elements card like you wish, for example:

           - type: picture-elements
             image: /local/deebot.jpg
               - type: service-button
                 title: Limpieza Completa
                 icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
                 service: vacuum.turn_on
                   entity_id: vacuum.deebot930
                   top: 20%
                   left: 20%
               - type: service-button
                 title: enviar a base
                 icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
                 service: vacuum.turn_off
                   entity_id: vacuum.deebot930
                   top: 32%
                   left: 20%
               - type: service-button
                 title: Limpieza Cocina
                 icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
                 service: script.turn_on
                   entity_id: script.limpiezazona0
                   top: 44%
                   left: 20%

In this example the picture elements card will have 3 text buttons, to complete clean, back to home and clean a zone (calling first step script) and you can add all areas you want. You can choose state-icon or service-button if you want icons or text in your buttons. See picture elements docs:

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thanks a lot.
The image (deebot.jpg) is a screenshot of the map of your home, taken from the Ecovacs app I suppose, right?

No, it’s only a decorative image found in google, but it’s a good idea until map feature works… you could use a screenshot and put different buttons in the correct area. Good Idea.

Hi DendelX, could you share also your modified
I have Ozmo 930 too, but It’s not clear for me what kind of mod you did on Ligio project
Thanks again

I’m not using that modded version anymore, ligio publish a new versión 9 days ago and it’s working for me. Not sensors, only actions, but all actions works perfect.

Thanks to all who have proivded the fix

I brought a Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo 901 last week (My guess this model only available in Japan), and I manage to setup in HA by using the latest version from ligio. At this moment, I only use start, return to charging base function, it will be great to have sensor functionality as well.

My configuration.yaml

  username: !secret deebot_username
  password: !secret deebot_password
  country: jp
  continent: ww

Hi all. I am on the fence of buying Deebot 901, as I found it does have integration with HA.

What I am really trying to solve is, that with my current vacuum bot, I have to turn it off manually before leaving house for multiple days, as othervise, it will trigger alarm sensors for motion. So what I am hoping for, is to be able to control the schedule from HA and disable the vacuum when alarm is armed.
Is this possible?
Or the only way is to disable schedule completely and trigger every cleaning from HA?

Also will you recommend Deebot 900/901? I saw multiple reviews saying that since FW upgrade to 2.1.3 it becomes much worse…

It’s not possible to interact with the schedules via HA at present. It’s only capable of start/stop/home etc.