I am currently using the custom_component by Ligio linked above with two Deebot 901s in my home. The two 901s are acting differently and they are both not doing at least some of what I would like them to do, so I’m asking for guidance.
One of the 901s–this one is downstairs and is linked to Google Home via my Ecovacs account–responds to input from me from Home Assistant without issue. When I tell it to turn on, it turns on, its status updates, it shows its cleaning status, and when it is done cleaning it updates Home Assistant with its off state. That said, it does not update Home Assistant until I turn it back on. Let’s say when it finished cleaning and docked again its battery is at 63%, if I check on it two hours later it will still say 63% and the ‘last check in’ time on the more info card shows 2 hours ago. I’d like to be able to either poll it for updates periodically or have it update Home Assistant on battery level changes.
The second 901, which is upstairs, is also not updating Home Assistant with its status, but it is also not doing so except during a Home Assistant restart. If I click ‘Turn On’, the vacuum will turn on and start sweeping, but Home Assistant will still show it as off. If I restart Home Assistant, it will pull all of the current status of the robot, but it will never update after that.
I’m not well versed in python, but I did go through the code a bit and notice that the component is subscribing to update events (I’m sure my terminology is wrong) and is not polling the devices for status, but is there a way to do both? I know Home Assistant can gather info from both devices because it does so on startup, is there some service call or something else I’m missing where I can force update the current info of the robots?
Ideally what I’d like to do is, between certain times of day and if the house is empty, on a battery level update to >90% have it start a clean again. I understand how to do all of that (I think) but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to make Home Assistant pull the current battery info of the devices.
Any help at all is appreciated.
For what it’s worth, both devices are on the latest firmware and have identical settings as far as I can tell. The only difference between them is that one is linked to Google Home and the other is not, though I doubt that’s affecting anything.
Thank you!