[FIXED] - Edits Create Blank Dashboard

I have been having trouble add a new wediget to an existing dashboard. It’s a binary sensor so to trouble shoot it I created a simple dashboard with justh the sensor. Odd thing is this works fine:

title: Test Panel
widget_dimensions: [165,165]
widget_size: [1, 1]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
rows: 1
columns: 6

  - garage_door_one

    entity: binary_sensor.garage_door_one
    title: "Garage One"
    widget_type: binary_sensor

However as soon as I add any other optional arguements like icon_on, etc. like this:

title: Test Panel
widget_dimensions: [165,165]
widget_size: [1, 1]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
rows: 1
columns: 6

  - garage_door_one

    entity: binary_sensor.garage_door_one
    title: "Garage One"
    widget_type: binary_sensor
    icon_on: fa-car
    icon_off: fa-car

When I reload the dashboard it’s blank. I have tried icon_on, icon_off, and title_style all with the same result.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Are you seeing any errors in the log? I would guess you are putting tabs instead of spaces in the YAML or something like that? If it is a YAML error there should be something in the log. If not, check your JavaScript console for errors.

Well stupid me. I forgot I moved my dashboards over to my Ubunutu VM from my Mac after my issues with my Dashboard Randomly Disconnecting. Once I fixed all the permissions on my new Appdaemon install everything worked just fine.

BTW @aimc it also fixed my issue with [FIXED] - Font Awesome Icons Sporadically Working. Those are now good too.

Thanks for the help.

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