I can’t get a ffmpeg camera (xiaomi dafang) to work on hass.io (on a PI 3 B), but the same config works on hass running on my macbook in the same network.
This is my config, which is exactly the same in both instances:
- platform: ffmpeg
name: camera_sala
input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://192.168.XX.XX:8554/unicast
This is the log entry for hass.io:
2018-07-30 00:30:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [haffmpeg.core] Start FFmpeg with ['ffmpeg', '-rtsp_transport', 'tcp', '-i', 'rtsp://192.168.XX.XX:8554/unicast', '-an', '-frames:v', '1', '-c:v', 'mjpeg', '-f', 'image2pipe', '-']
2018-07-30 00:30:17 WARNING (MainThread) [haffmpeg.tools] Timeout reading image.
Now this is the log entries on my macbook:
2018-07-29 21:33:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [haffmpeg.core] Start FFmpeg with ['ffmpeg', '-rtsp_transport', 'tcp', '-i', 'rtsp://192.168.XX.XX:8554/unicast', '-an', '-frames:v', '1', '-c:v', 'mjpeg', '-f', 'image2pipe', '-']
2018-07-29 21:33:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 4422661344: Sending {'id': 16, 'type': 'result', 'success': True, 'result': {'content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'content': '/9j//gARTGF2YzU3LjEwNy4...TExMTExMWFRYXFxcWFhYWFxcXGRkZHR0dGRkZFxcZGRwcHR0gISAeHh0eISEjIyMqKigoMTEyPDxI/8QAsQAAAgMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEDBAIFBgcIAQEAAw
You can see the ffmpeg command is exactly the same, but it times out on the PI but works on the mac.
All other components are working fine in hass.io. I can even pan/tilt the camera using mqtt, turn the leds on/off, and enable/disable night mode.
Thanks in advance.