I am a NOOB; although, I have managed to achieve some success. I am currently running 0.103.6 (but had the same problem in prior versions) and I am trying to track myself and two others. We all have the Home Assistant iOS app installed and running.
I have poplulated the map with zones successfully. When I work with trying to locate anyone I believe I have three elements: person.name, sensor.geocoded_location_number and device_tracker.name_iphone.
I have created Lovelace cards for all three of these items and there are some difference. The person.name has an image attached and lists them as home,. The sensor.geocoded_location_number shows a street address and the third, the device_tracker.name_iphone just shows them home.
I have put the device_tracker.name_iphone in each person.name as appropriate. I have also ensured that all three have track: true.
I do not get any change in their status. The system always shows home. There is no change in address nor status of home - away or home - not home. I understand their may be a lag for updates so I have waited three hours and still no change from home.
Have I not set a configuration up properly? I have a device_tracker.yaml that lists all the pertinent data (I think). Here is what it looks like:
I searched and read the information on Home Assistant as well as what I could find in this community. The one piece of information I saw from my research is automation. Do I need to create and automation for each of the three people?
Should I delete all three people and re-install them? Delete and re-install the app too? Is there something simple I am missing?
I appreciate any assistance or guidance you may be able to provide so that I can overcome this obstacle. Thank you
Are the device trackers updating? Do you have the correct entity_ids? Are the device trackers actually moving or are you just restarting and expecting it to update when the devices themeselves only update if they see large deviations?
Excellent questions. The device_trackers do not appear to be updating - except the one for me. They do have the correct entity_ids. The phones are actually moving away from home. In some cases they are out of the zone for four hours.
I’ve found that using the nmap_tracker updates much faster and more reliably than any phone’s location services are able to. Give each device a static IP through your router and then add their IPs into the nmap config.
While you may think information this is asinine, you have to understand that you specifically said
I have no idea how good your trouble shooting skills are. At face value, I have to assume that you have not taken the appropriate steps for trouble shooting.
Here are the facts we know about your issue:
Person for 2 people is not updating.
Device tracker that each person is linked to is not updating.
Your person and device_tracker is working.
That’s it.
The only possible area that the issue lies in is the configuration and connection of the iPhones in question that create the device_trackers.
The configuration for iPhones lie in 2 places. On the phone (which users have full control of) or inside home assistant through the integration page. The only way to add the integration is through the iPhone itself. After it’s added you can adjust items in the integration page.
So unless you changed something in the integration page, then the issue is likely on the iPhone.
I am terribly sorry. I was not being sarcastic or rude. If you took it that way I apologize.I thought your suggestion was tremendous, and I did double check, and one of them was not set correctly for location services.
Again, I am really sorry if I came across as an imbecile. That was no where near my intent.
Unfortunately the one I am working with (mom phone) is not working. I reset it completely and when I try to refresh the location I get a json error. I am losing access to that phone now so will have to try again later.
Thanks to Petro’s sage guidance I have managed to overcome the problem. Once I explored the settings on the iPhones I realized that was where the communication problem was. So I deleted the device_tracker.iphones from the entities section and removed them from the integration sections. I then reset the Home Assistant Companion on each phone. Once I did that they worked fine.