Fixing 2023.6.0 errors

I see these under my settings after updating to 2023.6.0 but I have no idea what sensors they are referring to:

Any idea how I can figure that out?

When you click each one, what additional information does it provide?

I know the last two are telling you that the configuration of Command Line entities has changed. You will need to modify your Command Line configuration to the new style described in the documentation.

A similar question was asked here:

Command line one I think I have sorted but not sure about these two:


I assume flux_led is about this:

- platform: flux_led
    !secret kitchen_bottom_ip:
      name: Bottom
      mode: "rgb"
- platform: flux_led
    !secret kitchen_top_ip:
      name: Top
      mode: "rgb"

I didn’t see a breaking change about these, what’s the new set up?
Same with mjpeg:

  - platform: mjpeg
    name: OctoPrintCam
    still_image_url: !secret octopi_camera_still_url
    mjpeg_url:  !secret octopi_camera_stream_url

They’re indicating that the Flux and Mjpeg integrations no longer support YAML configuration. Both are now configured via the UI. Do what it suggests and remove their YAML configuration from your configuration.yaml file then restart Home Assistant.

Hmm, I just checked the Flux integration’s documentation and it still shows it supports YAML configuration. :thinking:

On the other hand, configuration of the MJPEG integration is via the UI.

Not sure what’s going on here.
Just noticed that the Flux integration simply uses flux whereas you have flux_led. Is that possibly a custom integration you have installed? EDIT It’s MagicHome.

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Sweet, just removing the code did the trick.
And they remained added to the integrations list without adding them again :smiley:

OK, now I understand, it’s the MagicHome integration (its URL still refers to it as flux_led).

This integration automatically detects devices so YAML configuration is not needed.

Correct, magic home.

Yes, It’s Magic Home. And the ‘platform’ is flux_led. In my config file is …

  - platform: flux_led
        name: stevens_bedroom_light
        protocol: 'ledenet'
        mode: rgbw
        name: pattis_bedroom_light
        mode: rgbw
        protocol: 'ledenet'
        name: family_room_table_light
        mode: rgbw
        protocol: 'ledenet'

I’ve tried commenting out that section and restarting HA, but it is still continually “Retrying setup”. I’ve also enabled “debug logging”. Flux_led entries in home_assistant.log are…

2023-06-21 10:02:51.530 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of flux_led is taking over 10 seconds.
2023-06-21 10:03:00.324 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'AK001-ZJ2101 2462AB2DD13A' for flux_led integration not ready yet: Timed out trying to connect to; Retrying in background
2023-06-21 10:03:00.328 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'AK001-ZJ2101 2462AB2D56EE' for flux_led integration not ready yet: Timed out trying to connect to; Retrying in background
2023-06-21 10:03:00.330 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'AK001-ZJ2101 D8F15BA7FEAC' for flux_led integration not ready yet: Timed out trying to connect to; Retrying in background
2023-06-21 10:03:00.335 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] The flux_led platform for the light integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.

And in the home_assistant.log.1 are …

2023-06-21 09:59:56.292 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 09:59:56.293 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'AK001-ZJ2101 2462AB2DD13A' for flux_led integration not ready yet: Timed out trying to connect to; Retrying in background
2023-06-21 09:59:56.303 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 09:59:56.303 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'AK001-ZJ2101 2462AB2D56EE' for flux_led integration not ready yet: Timed out trying to connect to; Retrying in background
2023-06-21 09:59:56.306 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 09:59:56.307 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'AK001-ZJ2101 D8F15BA7FEAC' for flux_led integration not ready yet: Timed out trying to connect to; Retrying in background
2023-06-21 09:59:58.756 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.scanner] udp: ('', 48899) => b'HF-A11ASSISTHREAD'
2023-06-21 09:59:58.768 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.aioscanner] discover: ('', 48899) <= b'HF-A11ASSISTHREAD'
2023-06-21 10:00:00.591 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.scanner] udp: ('', 48899) => b'AT+LVER\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:00.612 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.aioscanner] discover: ('', 48899) <= b'AT+LVER\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:01.033 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.scanner] udp: ('', 48899) => b'AT+SOCKB\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:01.034 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.aioscanner] discover: ('', 48899) <= b'AT+SOCKB\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:06.950 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.scanner] udp: ('', 48899) => b'HF-A11ASSISTHREAD'
2023-06-21 10:00:06.999 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:00:07.023 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:00:07.034 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:00:07.048 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.aioscanner] discover: ('', 48899) <= b'HF-A11ASSISTHREAD'
2023-06-21 10:00:07.373 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.scanner] udp: ('', 48899) => b'AT+LVER\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:07.375 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.aioscanner] discover: ('', 48899) <= b'AT+LVER\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:07.792 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.scanner] udp: ('', 48899) => b'AT+SOCKB\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:07.793 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.aioscanner] discover: ('', 48899) <= b'AT+SOCKB\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:09.460 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.scanner] udp: ('', 48899) => b'HF-A11ASSISTHREAD'
2023-06-21 10:00:09.462 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.aioscanner] discover: ('', 48899) <= b'HF-A11ASSISTHREAD'
2023-06-21 10:00:09.863 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.scanner] udp: ('', 48899) => b'AT+LVER\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:09.866 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.aioscanner] discover: ('', 48899) <= b'AT+LVER\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:10.266 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.scanner] udp: ('', 48899) => b'AT+SOCKB\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:10.269 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.aioscanner] discover: ('', 48899) <= b'AT+SOCKB\r'
2023-06-21 10:00:10.587 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Updating ping binary_sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:10
2023-06-21 10:00:10.595 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of binary_sensor.vpn is taking over 10 seconds
2023-06-21 10:00:24.601 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:00:24.658 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:00:24.703 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:00:52.535 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:00:52.604 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:00:52.679 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:01:40.295 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:01:40.308 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed
2023-06-21 10:01:40.588 DEBUG (MainThread) [flux_led.base_device] set_unavailable: Connection closed

Sure hope this helps someone to figure out what is going on here.

All the ‘set unavailable’ stuff going on around those IP addresses made me suspicious. Turns out those were NOT the correct IP addresses for the lights in question. So I fixed the addresses in the config file and rebooted Home Assistant. Didn’t make a bit of difference. Logs still show it using the old (wrong) addresses. Anybody know how to get the correct addresses into the system?

OK, well here’s what I did to get it to work.

  1. Delete the ‘light’ section in configuration.yaml – it’s not used anymore
  2. Delete each of the devices attached to the “Magic Home” integration.
    2a) When deleting the last one, the integration itself vanished.
  3. Re-add the “Magic Home” integration, using the ip of the first light as “Host”
  4. Go to the “Magic Home” integration and use “ADD ENTRY” to enter the rest of the lights

Not sure why the lights don’t get discovered, but suspect it is because the lights are on a different network than the Home Assistant device. ( v.s.