Fixing data for "Low-carbon energy consumed"

I’ve done some tweaking by adding a smart meter MQTT feed and retiring old data. This resulted in incorrect data due to MQTT feed of actual meter reading was taken as hour increment (thousands of kWh) rather than incremental data. This is easily corrected using nifty Dev tools → Statistics page.

However, “low-carbon energy consumed” hasn’t corrected itself:

I cannot find any entry in Statistics page that resemble this value that I can use to fix this data error.

I have also tried removing CO2 signal and re-adding it. Got similar large number and have the added bonus of loosing all historic data for this low carbon display.

So my question is, what is the correct way to fix this day’s low-carbon value?

No one has any idea where this “low carbon energy consumed” data are kept? and how to fix it?

Where are “low-carbon energy consumed” data stored?

Just wondering if you found out where it’s stored

No, sorry. It’s unresolved, data is still waaaay out on that day.

Thanks for the bump, I wonder if anyone reading know how to resolve this?

The value is calculated from the statistics for the grid consumption & the co2signal/electricitymaps senson, and these huge values are a bug in home assistant core: Energy Dashboard - wrong values caused by CO2signal · Issue #79774 · home-assistant/core · GitHub