Flamingo SF501

I have bought the Flamingo set of three remote controlled wall plugs:
note the difference with the other Flamingo with the three leds:
Questions are simple:
can these be connected to Home Assistant? Box says “works with Home Wizard”, I have tried the “Home Wizard Lite” app, I read reports about the “Klik Uit Klik Aan” app, but that’s where I’m stuck…

Nevermind, in the mean time I’ve found out that I’ll need either a gateway or a GPIO RF module for my PI (http://www.instructables.com/id/Super-Simple-Raspberry-Pi-433MHz-Home-Automation/).
Any idea whether the Xiaomi gateway (which is en route from china to my home) will work with these?


i don’t think the gateway will work.

I do use the Broadlink RF Pro, which is cheap but extremely useful for thins like this.
5 RF power sockets are in house in my house all working fine with this solution, very easy to integrate and to “learn” the rf code

Thanks, may have to gift this set to my parents then, and replace with xiaomi plugs, as I’m getting their gateway anyway.

These (type of) devices are supported through the rfxtrx component. I have an RFXTRX device to control and monitor these.