Flash a NodeMCU ESP-8266 Dev Board

Has anyone had success putting this firmware on a dev board? The ESPHomeflasher.app fails with “ESP Chip Auto-Detection failed: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Timed out waiting for packet header” . Have tried a couple of boards. One has ESP8266-12N, one has ESP6266MOD. I have successfully flashed ESPHome firmware to Sonoff SVs with this setup. Any help with these Devkits would be appreciated. I want to use ESPHome firmware in a konnected.io board instead of the konnected firmware.

this is the board type section i used for my nodemcu dev board with the 12n esp8266:

  name: whatever
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

Thanks for this. What device type did you use to make the firmware? Generic ESP 8266, NodeMCU or NodeMCU 0.9?

not sure what you mean by this? I posted the config I used in ESPHome above…

From the ESPHome dashboard, I thought the first step was to put ESPHome firmware on the device?https://esphome.io/guides/getting_started_hassio.html. For Sonoff SV, I flashed, then added text to configuration yaml, and then used the integration.

Yes, the configuration above is for the esphome yaml file not anything in HA.

I’m using a red FTDI232 USB/TTL adapter which has been successful before. When I use upload from the dashboard with ttyACM0 selected nothing happens, I see no activity on the FTDI. When I compile and use the esphomeflasher app with the same ttyACM0, I see the TX and Rx on the FTDI flash for some time before the app times out with ESP chip auto-detection error. I’m powering the Dev boar externally and only have the Tx/Rx connected from FTDI to Dev board. These Dev boards have USB connections that supposedly allow connection direct from a PC. When I plug my Mac into the USB, nothing happens, no connections are discovered…

I use a usb cable from my pc (not a mac) and I use the pc to both power and connect the comms. I’ve never used the esphome dashboard to flash esphome onto anything with a usb cable since my pc isn’t where I have esphome installed. I have always done the initial flashing by compiling the firmware in the dashboard and downloading the bin file to my pc then using flashesp8266 to write the firmware.

After that I use the esphome dashboard to upload any modification using OTA connection.

It seems I had some weird driver configuration on my Mac. Deleting it and then connecting directly without the FTDI let me flash the Dev board. I don’t understand how it worked for many Tasmota flashes and then one sonoff SV flash but alls well.

Thanks again.

Can you tell us what driver was impeding the connection. I too have been unable to flash the D1 mini. I have not been able to doit neither directly with straight usb to PC nor with a TTL to usb adapter.
I have been able to flash the Sonoff devices but not the D1 mini.

Sorry I don’t remember to details. In Network connections, there were a coupleof FTDI devices that I deleted.