I want to use my hue lights and fibaro rgbw lights to show states.
How can I do this without actually changing the color?
Color is white light or the light is switched off, then state is shown in blue for a few seconds, then switches off and reverts back to white light, so next time I switch it on it is not blue.
So if I understand the question correctly, your lights are normally on white or off under normal use?
What you want to do if flash or turn the lights blue for a set period of time based on some state change and then revert them back to what ever they were before hand, is that correct?
Ok, well first up I know nothing about fibaro but know hue pretty well.
I think I would go down the create scene on the fly route:
So once you have your trigger set up and you know what light entities you want to adjust, the first thing you will want to do is use the scene.create service and list the light entities your planning on changing.
Then carry out what ever actions you want to the lights and when finished your last action should be to recall the scene you just created above.
I am not in from of a computer at present so not going to attempt to give you a proper example, have a read of the create scene docs I have linked and if you need any extra help let me know and when back in front of a computer I will post up an example.