Flash over https failing to boot sonoff mini

Hi. I bought 4 sonoff minis to add into a few modules round the home. I used the upload over https option with my ftdi to serial tool. The sketches were reporting upload complete but then after would not connect or even respond.

so i reconnected back up with leads and attempted the upload again, again reported upload complete.

me thinking i’ve got a dud, i started one up before uploading put into pairing mode and pops up with its hotspot. I’m thinking great, onto a winner now. So i uploaded my sketch. Exactly the same, no response nothing, by this time i was seeing daylight again so i went to bed.

Today, i booted up my windows machine and installed esphome flash tool, uploaded sketch. reset and its working straight away powering and switching from the ftdi power supply.

So all is good. Just thought id give the feedback incase a gremlin is hiding or it was just my configuration.

Strangely i have successfully flashed a few esp12 devices with no issue using the https method.

much love

Never seen that option. using ftdi is normally just a direct serial connection, why would you add a https webserver in the process ?

Well, if you mean that you uploaded via browser option (Install → plug into this computer) then i can confirm this problem. I found out that uploading sketch with browser option device works only if ESP HAS BEEN EMPTY before. I think that problem is that browser’s uploader doesn’t erase flash before uploading, which makes whole thing not working. Uploading with esptool, tasmotizer… works fine because it does erase ESP before uploading.
Erasing is important, although maybe it seems that it’s not. I know from old AVR’s which also don’t work if i uncheck “errase before programming”.

I think that this is a bug of built-in programmer…

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